Report Title: Department of Human Services; Protective Custody; Parental Rights; Immediate Harm to Child
Description: Establishes definitions of "immediate harm" and "protective custody warrant" for the purpose of the Child Protective Act. Requires a police officer who assumes protective custody of a child who is subject to immediate harm to provide a written report detailing the observations justifying the immediate removal to the department within twenty-four hours of assuming custody of the child. Requires a copy of the police report to be provided to the parents of the child and to the court. Requires the department of human services to provide written notice to a parent of parental rights when conducting an investigation regarding a child who has been harmed or may be subject to imminent or threatened harm.
Package: None
Current Referral: HUS, JHA
Introducer(s): MIZUNO

Sort by Date Status Text
12/11/2023DCarried over to 2024 Regular Session.
2/9/2023HThe committee(s) on HUS recommend(s) that the measure be deferred.
2/6/2023HBill scheduled to be heard by HUS on Thursday, 02-09-23 9:00AM in House conference room 329 VIA VIDEOCONFERENCE.
1/25/2023HReferred to HUS, JHA, referral sheet 1
1/23/2023HIntroduced and Pass First Reading.
1/20/2023HPending introduction.

S = Senate | H = House | D = Data Systems | $ = Appropriation measure | ConAm = Constitutional Amendment

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Hearing Notices
2/09/23 9:00A