List of abbreviations for Hawaii Revised Statutes

List of committee acronyms

  • AG -  Attorney General (Department of the Attorney General)
  • AGR -  House Committee on Agriculture -OR- The budgetary program identification for the Department of Agriculture
  • AGS -  The budgetary program identification for the Department of Accounting and General Services
  • ATG -  The budgetary program identification for the Department of the Attorney General
  • B&F -  Department of Budget and Finance
  • BED -  The budgetary program identification for the Department of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism
  • BOE -  Board of Education
  • BOH -  Board of Health
  • BOR -  Board of Regents (University of Hawaii)
  • BR -  By Request
  • BUF -  The budgetary program identification for the Department of Budget and Finance
  • CCA -  The budgetary program identification for the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs
  • CD -  Conference Draft
  • CIP -  Capital improvement project
  • DAGS -  Department of Accounting and General Services
  • DBEDT -  Department of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism
  • DC -  Departmental Communication
  • DCCA -  Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs
  • DEF -  The budgetary program identification for the Department of Defense
  • DHHL -  Department of Hawaiian Home Lands
  • DHRD -  Department of Human Resources Development
  • DHS -  Department of Human Services
  • DLIR -  Department of Labor and Industrial Relations
  • DLNR -  Department of Land and Natural Resources
  • DOA -  Department of Agriculture
  • DOD -  Department of Defense
  • DOE -  Department of Education
  • DOH -  Department of Health
  • DOT -  Department of Transportation
  • DOTAX -  Department of Taxation
  • DPS -  Department of Public Safety
  • EDN -  House Committee on Education -OR- The budgetary program identification for the Department of Education
  • EIS -  Environmental Impact Statement
  • EOA -  Executive Office on Aging
  • FB -  Fiscal biennium
  • FY -  Fiscal year
  • GIA -  Grants-in-Aid
  • GM -  Governor’s Message
  • GOV -  The budgetary program identification for the Office of the Governor
  • HAR -  Hawaii Administrative Rules
  • HB -  House Bill
  • HCDA -  Hawaii Community Development Authority
  • HCR -  House Concurrent Resolution
  • HD -  House Draft
  • HHL -  The budgetary program identification for the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands
  • HMS -  The budgetary program identification for the Department of Human Services
  • HR -  House Resolution
  • HRD -  The budgetary program identification for the Department of Human Resources Development
  • HRS -  Hawaii Revised Statutes
  • HSCR -  House Standing Committee Report
  • HTH -  The budgetary program identification for the Department of Health
  • JC -  Judiciary Communication
  • LBR -  The budgetary program identification for the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations
  • LG -  Lieutenant Governor
  • LNR -  The budgetary program identification for the Department of Land and Natural Resources
  • LRB -  Legislative Reference Bureau
  • LRBSO -  Legislative Reference Bureau Systems Office
  • LTG -  The budgetary program identification for the Office of the Lieutenant Governor
  • MC -  Miscellaneous Communication
  • MOF -  Means of Financing
  • OHA -  Office of Hawaiian Affairs
  • OP -  Office of Planning
  • PAR -  Public Access Room (division of Legislative Reference Bureau)
  • PPB -  Planning, Programming, and Budgeting
  • PSD -  The budgetary program identification for the Department of Public Safety
  • SB -  Senate Bill
  • SCR -  Senate Concurrent Resolution
  • SD -  Senate Draft
  • SFCA -  State Foundation on Culture and the Arts
  • SHPDA -  State Health Planning and Development Agency
  • SLH -  Session Laws of Hawaii
  • SPRB -  Special Purpose Revenue Bonds
  • SR -  Senate Resolution
  • SSCR -  Senate Standing Committee Report
  • TAX -  The budgetary program identification for the Department of Taxation
  • TRN -  House Committee on Transportation -OR- The budgetary program identification for the Department of Transportation
  • UCC -  Uniform Commercial Code (Chapter 490, Hawaii Revised Statutes)
  • UH -  University of Hawaii
  • UOH -  The budgetary program identification for the University of Hawaii
  • WR -  With reservations
  • Act -  A bill which has passed both houses of the Legislature; been enrolled, certified, approved by the governor or passed over the governor's veto; and published.
  • Adjournment Sine Die -  Adjournment on the last day of a regular or special legislative session.
  • Administration Bill -  A bill prepared by the executive branch that is submitted to the Legislature for consideration.
  • Administrative Procedure Act -  The Administrative Procedure Act (Chapter 91, Hawaii Revised Statues) governs the adoption of rules by executive agencies in implementing acts of the Legislature.
  • Advise and Consent -  The process by which the Senate reviews and approves executive and judicial appointments.
  • Amend -  To alter formally by modification, deletion, or addition.
  • Amendment, Floor -  An amendment offered to a legislative document, or to modify another amendment, presented by a legislator while the document is on the floor of that legislator's house, i.e., a "House amendment" or "Senate amendment."
  • Appropriation -  A legislative authorization to make expenditures and incur obligations for specific governmental purposes; usually limited as to time when it may be expended. One of the prime responsibilities of the Legislature is this power to appropriate moneys.
  • Appropriation Bill -  A proposed piece of legislation authorizing an appropriation.
  • Appropriation Bill-General appropriation bill -  An appropriation bill covering all estimated expenses of the executive branch of state government for a fiscal biennium; initially introduced at the request of the governor.
  • Appropriation Bill-Supplemental appropriation bill -  An appropriation bill authorizing appropriations supplementing the general appropriation act of the previous session.
  • Bicameral -  Literally, having "two rooms," the term is used to refer to legislative bodies having two houses. In Hawaii and in the U.S. Congress, these are referred to as the House of Representatives and the Senate. The State of Nebraska, by contrast, has a unicameral legislature.
  • Biennium -  A two-year period. This term is used to describe the two-year term of a Legislature that begins in an odd-numbered year and ends in an even-numbered year. With respect to the state budget, the fiscal biennium begins on July 1 of each odd-numbered year and ends two years later on June 30.
  • Bond -  A certificate of indebtedness issued by the government in return for money it has borrowed; a promise to pay a specified sum of money at a fixed time in the future and carrying interest at a fixed rate.
  • Bond-General obligation bonds  -  Bonds for whose payment the full faith and credit of the issuing government are pledged.
  • Bond-Revenue bonds -  A bond which is to be paid off by revenues produced from the facility it finances, such as user fees for a parking garage or room fees for a student dormitory.
  • Budget -  A plan for expending funds by program for a given fiscal year or biennium and the means of financing the expenditures.
  • Budget-Capital improvement budget  -  A budget plan of major capital expenditures for land acquisition, equipment, plans, design, and construction and the method of financing them.
  • Budget-Operating budget  -  A budget which applies to all expenditures other than capital expenditures for general governmental expenses.
  • By Request -  These words or the initials, BR, follow the name of the introducer of a legislative measure to indicate that the introducer does not necessarily endorse the measure but is introducing it as a courtesy.
  • Carry-Over Bills -  Any bill pending at the final adjournment of a regular session in the first year of the biennium (odd-numbered year) carries over with the same status to the regular session of the second year of the biennium, provided that it passes at least one reading in the House in the next regular session upon its return to the House from the Senate (or vice versa with the chambers).
  • Caucus -  Conference of members of a legislative group to decide on policies or strategies; most commonly, a "party caucus" is for members of one or another political party.
  • Committee -  A group of legislators, usually members of the same house, assigned to consider a subject or issue and to submit a report on its recommendations for action by the body which created it. All committees are appointed by the president of the Senate or the speaker of the House.
  • Committee Report -  A document that a committee uses from time to time to report on matters referred to it. The document usually states findings of facts and conclusions, together with a distinct recommendation as to the disposal of the matter.
  • Committee-Conference Committees -  are appointed from both houses to reach agreement on a measure for final approval by both houses once it has been passed in differing versions by each house.
  • Committee-Special Committees  -  are temporary and are established either by the speaker or president by resolution or by any other legal means to consider one special subject or bill. They come to an end when they have performed the purpose for which they were established.
  • Committee-Standing Committees -  are established by the rules of the House and Senate to address particular areas such as health, transportation, or education.
  • Companion Bill -  Two bills identical in wording that are introduced in each house. They will most likely not have the same number. Some companion bill sponsors feel it will increase the chances for the passage of the bill.
  • Conflict of Interest -  Any interest, financial or otherwise, any business or professional activity, or any obligation which is incompatible with the proper discharge of a legislator's duties in the public interest.
  • Congratulatory Certificate -  A document used by legislators to acknowledge the deeds of constituents, visiting dignitaries, civic organizations, and other exemplary individuals or organizations.
  • Constitution -  The written instrument embodying the fundamental principles of the state that establishes power and duties of the government and guarantees certain rights to the people.
  • Crossover -  Deadline for bills or resolutions to move, or crossover, to the other house for consideration.
  • Cutoff Dates -  Deadline set by a legislative body for specified action, such as bill introduction, committee action, or initial passage of bills by either house.
  • Decking -  Refers to the time when a bill is in its final form in which it is intended to be passed is made available to members of the Legislature for 48 hours prior to being voted on for passage.
  • Disagree -  Refers to the deadline for either house to disagree to the amendments made to its bill by the other body.
  • Effective Date -  The date a bill, once passed, becomes law. Unless a different date is specified, bills become law when approved.
  • Enacting Clause -  The clause required by the Hawaii Constitution to head all bills: "Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Hawaii," which formally expresses the legislative sanction.
  • Engrossment -  The preparation of an exact, accurate, and official copy of a measure in the house of origin along with amendments and proper signatures; then dispatched to the other house.
  • Enrollment -  Signifies that a bill has been engrossed by both houses. This is the last legislative action taken on a bill unless it is reconsidered after objection by the governor.
  • Fiscal Year -  The period used for budgeting and accounting. In Hawaii State government, this period is from July 1 of one calendar year to June 30 of the next calendar year.
  • Floor -  Reference to the interior of the chamber of either house. Floor action suggests consideration by the entire House or Senate rather than committee action.
  • Hearing, Public -  A formal session of a legislative committee, whereby interested members of the public are invited to present testimony on a proposal; distinguished from an informational briefing, which the public is usually allowed to attend but not present testimony.
  • Held in Committee -  The defeat of a measure by the decision of a standing committee not to return it to the full house for further consideration.
  • House -  Generally, either body or chamber of the Legislature. (If capitalized, it refers to the House of Representatives).
  • House Rules -  Rules of procedure adopted by the House of Representatives governing procedures in that body, such as duties of House officers, rights and duties of members, and floor procedures.
  • Initiative -  A procedure by which the general public may directly vote on proposed laws.
  • Introduction -  The transmittal of a bill from a representative's or senator's office to the respective chief clerk's office for acceptance and numbering.
  • Joint Committee -  A committee composed of a specified number of members of both houses.
  • Journal -  The official chronological record of the proceedings of the Senate and House, certified, indexed, printed, and bound at the close of each session.
  • Lateral -  Deadline by which a bill must move to the final referral committee ("lateral" because the bills move "sideways"--from one committee to another within each house--rather than "forward" from the House to the Senate or vice versa). This deadline is not shown on the Legislative Timetable because it is subject to change. Please contact the Public Access Room (808)587-0478, House Clerk's Office (808)586-6400, or Senate Clerk's Office (808)586-6720 for the current lateral deadline date.
  • Measure -  Any matter before a body such as a bill or resolution.
  • Prior Concurrence -  The consent which must first be obtained by the second committee hearing a bill from the first committee before any substantive change is made to the recommendations of such committee.
  • Proviso -  A clause used in the executive budget bill to specify a particular use of a portion of an amount appropriated to a broad program.
  • Quorum -  The number of members of a house, committee, or other group that must be present before the group may conduct official business.
  • Re-Referral -  The act of reconsidering the referral of a measure to a committee or committees.
  • Reading -  A vote by the entire House or Senate on a bill or resolution. Approval of a bill requires three readings by the House and three readings by the Senate.
  • Recall -  The procedure by which any bill referred to a committee may be removed from that committee's jurisdiction 20 days after referral if one-third of the House (or Senate) members votes in favor of this action.
  • Recommittal -  The sending of a measure back to the committee which reported it out for further consideration.
  • Reconsideration -  The act of requesting the return of a measure sent to the second house or to the governor, but not yet enacted into law, for the purpose of reconsidering the action taken on that measure.
  • Referendum -  The principle or practice of submitting a law to popular vote after the filing of a petition expressing the wish of the people to vote on such law.
  • Referral -  The sending or referring of a measure to a committee or committees.
  • Reporting Out -  Action by a committee on a measure which moves the measure out of the committee.
  • Resolution -  A measure expressing the will, wish, or direction of the Legislature. It does not have the effect of law.
  • Resolution-Concurrent Resolution -  A resolution which requests action or states the Legislature's position on an issue.
  • Resolution-Congratulatory Resolution  -  A nonsubstantive resolution which congratulates a worthy constituent, agency, private establishment, or visiting dignitary for exemplary deeds.
  • Resolution-Memorial Resolution -  A nonsubstantive resolution used to convey the sympathy and condolences of the Legislature on the passing of a constituent or a dignitary.
  • Resolution-Nonsubstantive Resolution -  A resolution which congratulates or conveys the condolences of the Legislature.
  • Resolution-Substantive Resolution -  A resolution which requests action or states the Legislature's position on an issue.
  • Session-Regular -  The Legislature convenes each year on the third Wednesday in January for 60 legislative days. Each legislature has a duration of two years.
  • Session-Special -  May be called by the governor or at the written request of two thirds of the members to which each house is entitled. The governor may convene both houses or the Senate alone in special session. Special session is limited to a period of 30 days and may be extended a total of not more than 15 days.
  • Severability Clause -  A section of a bill that instructs the court that if one section of the act is found unconstitutional, the remainder of the act will remain intact.
  • Short-Form Bills -  Bills that contain only a reference to the general idea of the subject and contemplates the subsequent drafting of the specific details in long form.
  • Sine Die -  To adjourn on the last day of a regular or special session.
  • Statutes -  The codified body of law known as the Hawaii Revised Statutes.
  • Sunset Law -  A provision shutting off a program or agency on a specific date, requiring reexamination and a fresh authorization prior to that date to continue.
  • Veto -  A power vested in the governor to prevent the enactment of measures passed by the Legislature by returning them, with objections, to the Legislature.