Report Title: DOH; Counties; Cesspools; Wastewater; Sewer Improvement Districts; Wastewater Management Plan; Cesspool Pollution Fee; Grants; LowInterest Loans; General Fund Expenditure Ceiling Exceeded; Appropriations ($)
Description: Requires each county to develop and maintain a wastewater management plan. Specifies the requirements of the wastewater management plan. Authorizes the Director of Health to exempt a county from creating a wastewater management plan if the county has an existing plan that substantially meets certain requirements. Requires the counties to identify specific priority areas in which the county sewerage system or other centralized treatment system will be expanded or constructed to reduce or eliminate cesspools before 1/1/2050. Provides for the designation of these priority areas as sewer improvement districts. Authorizes each county to assess a monthly cesspool pollution fee beginning in 7/1/2025 on real properties containing a cesspool. Authorizes the counties to use fee revenues for certain activities that eliminate, reduce, or mitigate the impacts of cesspools, including the expansion of county sewerage systems and the issuance of grants and lowinterest loans to property owners. Declares that the appropriation exceeds the state general fund expenditure ceiling for 2024-2025. Makes appropriations.
Companion:  HB2743
Package: None
Current Referral: AEN/HHS/GVO, WAM
Introducer(s): KOUCHI (Introduced by request of another party)

Sort by Date Status Text
2/12/2024SRe-Referred to AEN/HHS/GVO, WAM.
1/24/2024SReferred to PSM/AEN/HHS, WAM.
1/24/2024SPassed First Reading.

S = Senate | H = House | D = Data Systems | $ = Appropriation measure | ConAm = Constitutional Amendment

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