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SB1200    Pdf File  
Report Title: Child Protective Act; Foster Care; Independent Evaluation; Grandparents; Safe Family Home; Relative Placement Preference; Written Response
Description: Requires an independent evaluation of a child's parents before a child is returned to the child's family home, under certain conditions. Clarifies the purpose of the child protective act. Allows certain contact between grandparents and a child in foster care. Provides a child's biological grandparents with certain rights and duties. Amends the definition of "aggravated circumstances". Includes grandparents under the definition of "family". Amends definition of "incapacitated person". Expands the factors to be considered when providing a child with a safe family home to include evaluations conducted by an independent provider with certain specialized training. Establishes certain requirements for interviewees, documentation, and assessments by DHS. Requires foster placement preference to be given to relatives, if it is in the best interest of the child. Establishes certain requirements for DHS when conducting investigations. Establishes written response requirements for DHS to a complainant after child abuse or neglect investigation. Specifies that a department social worker shall be unbiased and reflect no prejudice in their professional assessments.
Package: None
Current Referral: HHS, JDC
Introducer(s): KIM, MCKELVEY, Wakai

Sort by Date Status Text
12/11/2023DCarried over to 2024 Regular Session.
1/27/2023SReferred to HHS, JDC.
1/25/2023SPassed First Reading.

S = Senate | H = House | D = Data Systems | $ = Appropriation measure | ConAm = Constitutional Amendment

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