Measure Title: Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Legacy Land Conservation Commission, Gubernatorial Nominee, ALEXANDRA KELEPOLO, for a term to expire 06-30-2028.
Report Title: Legacy Land Conservation Commission
Current Referral: WTL

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4/3/2024SNominee(s) Alexandra Kelepolo withdrawn by Governor. (Gov. Msg. No. 752)
3/22/2024SThe recommendation of the committee(s) on WTL is to ADVISE AND CONSENT to the nomination(s). The votes in WTL were as follows: 4 Aye(s): Senator(s) Inouye, Elefante, Chang, Fevella; Aye(s) with reservations: none ; 0 No(es): none; and 1 Excused: Senator(s) McKelvey.
3/18/2024SThe committee(s) on WTL has scheduled a public hearing on 03-22-24 1:00PM; CR 229 & Videoconference.
2/29/2024SReferred to WTL.

S = Senate | H = House | D = Data Systems | $ = Appropriation measure | ConAm = Constitutional Amendment

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Hearing Notices
3/22/24 1:00P
CR 229 & Videoconference