Senate Special Session convenes June 26th, click here for more info

Report Title: PUC; Gas Utility; Electric Utility; Sale; Approval; Non-investor-owned Utilities; Alternative Bids; Public Utility Receiver
Description: Prohibits the Public Utilities Commission from approving the sale of a gas utility, or electric utility, in whole or in part, to a private entity, unless the utility being offered for sale demonstrates that it solicited competitive offers from an entity operating under a non-investor-owned utilities ownership model, and notes whether or not non-investor-owned entities submitted acceptable bids, in any application to the PUC requesting authorization for a sale of the utility. Authorizes the PUC to establish a procedure for consideration of alternative bids if there is a sale of a gas or electric utility. Specifies that the appointment of a receiver for a distressed utility applies to all public utilities. Effective 7/1/3000. (HD1)
Companion:  HB2615
Package: None
Current Referral: EEP/WAL, CPC, FIN
Introducer(s): HASHIMOTO

Sort by Date Status Text
3/15/2024HPassed Second Reading as amended in HD 1 and referred to the committee(s) on CPC with none voting aye with reservations; none voting no (0) and Representative(s) Cochran, Ganaden, Gates, Martinez, Quinlan excused (5).
3/15/2024HReported from EEP/WAL (Stand. Com. Rep. No. 1151-24) as amended in HD 1, recommending passage on Second Reading and referral to CPC.
3/14/2024HThe committee on WAL recommend that the measure be PASSED, WITH AMENDMENTS. The votes were as follows: 7 Ayes: Representative(s) Ichiyama, Poepoe, Chun, Hashem, M. Mizuno, Morikawa, Takayama; Ayes with reservations: none; Noes: none; and 2 Excused: Representative(s) Ganaden, Souza.
3/14/2024HThe committee on EEP recommend that the measure be PASSED, WITH AMENDMENTS. The votes were as follows: 5 Ayes: Representative(s) Lowen, Cochran, Kahaloa, Perruso, Woodson; Ayes with reservations: none; Noes: none; and 2 Excused: Representative(s) Gates, Ward.
3/11/2024HBill scheduled to be heard by EEP/WAL on Thursday, 03-14-24 8:30AM in House conference room 325 VIA VIDEOCONFERENCE.
3/7/2024HReferred to EEP/WAL, CPC, FIN, referral sheet 16
3/7/2024HPass First Reading
3/5/2024HReceived from Senate (Sen. Com. No. 317) in amended form (SD 1).
3/5/2024SPassed Third Reading, as amended (SD 1). Ayes, 25; Aye(s) with reservations: none . Noes, 0 (none). Excused, 0 (none). Transmitted to House.
2/29/2024S48 Hrs. Notice 03-05-24.
2/29/2024SReport adopted; Passed Second Reading, as amended (SD 1).
2/29/2024SReported from CPN (Stand. Com. Rep. No. 2756) with recommendation of passage on Second Reading, as amended (SD 1) and placement on the calendar for Third Reading.
2/20/2024SThe committee(s) on CPN recommend(s) that the measure be PASSED, WITH AMENDMENTS. The votes in CPN were as follows: 5 Aye(s): Senator(s) Keohokalole, Fukunaga, McKelvey, Richards, Awa; Aye(s) with reservations: none ; 0 No(es): none; and 0 Excused: none.
2/16/2024SThe committee(s) on CPN will hold a public decision making on 02-20-24 9:15AM; Conference Room 229 & Videoconference.
2/7/2024SThe committee(s) on CPN has scheduled a public hearing on 02-16-24 9:30AM; Conference Room 229 & Videoconference.
1/29/2024SReferred to CPN.
1/24/2024SPassed First Reading.

S = Senate | H = House | D = Data Systems | $ = Appropriation measure | ConAm = Constitutional Amendment

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SB3285 SD1 HD1
All Versions of this Measure
Hearing Notices
2/16/24 9:30A
CR 229 & Videoconference
2/20/24 9:15A
CR 229 & Videoconference
3/14/24 8:30A