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SB1436    Pdf File  
Report Title: Hawaii Environmental Policy Act; Environmental Impact Statements; Environmental Assessments; Affordable Housing; Project Segmentation
Description: Exempts affordable housing and certain qualifying housing development projects from HEPA. Establishes a definition of "program" and "project" to preempt the existing definitions under section 11-200.1-2, Hawaii Administrative Rules, and narrow the existing interpretation that requires analysis of tangentially related projects. Amends the applicability and requirements section of HEPA to clarify when multiple actions must be considered in the same environmental review document for the purposes of project segmentation. Expands the requirement that project opponents must exhaust their administrative remedies as a prerequisite to litigation to apply to environmental assessments and environmental impact statements. Retroactively applies to projects that received approval for their environmental assessment or environmental impact statement on or after August 9, 2019.
Companion:  HB1247
Package: None
Current Referral: AEN/HOU, JDC
Introducer(s): KEITH-AGARAN

Sort by Date Status Text
1/30/2023SReferred to AEN/HOU, JDC.
1/25/2023SPassed First Reading.

S = Senate | H = House | D = Data Systems | $ = Appropriation measure | ConAm = Constitutional Amendment

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