Report Title: Act 278, Session Laws of Hawaii 2022; Attorney General; Department of the Attorney General; Department of Defense; Department of Health, Department of Human Services; Investigators; Private Security Contracts
Description: Amends Act 278, Session Laws of Hawaii 2022, to modify the transfer of the personnel and functions of the department of the attorney general to the department of law enforcement, clarify that Act 278 does not amend or abrogate the attorney general's status as the chief legal and law enforcement officer of the State, specify that the statewide law enforcement training complex will be located at the first responder technology campus rather than the Mililani technology park, and transfer the responsibility and management of certain private security contracts from the department of law enforcement to the department of defense, department of health, and department of human services for their respective facilities. Effective 6/30/3000. (HD1)
Companion:  SB1337
Package: Governor
Current Referral: PSM, JDC/WAM
Introducer(s): SAIKI (Introduced by request of another party)

Sort by Date Status Text
12/11/2023DCarried over to 2024 Regular Session.
3/9/2023SReferred to PSM, JDC/WAM.
3/3/2023SPassed First Reading.
3/3/2023SReceived from House (Hse. Com. No. 107).
3/2/2023HPassed Third Reading with none voting aye with reservations; Representative(s) Kapela, Perruso voting no (2) and none excused (0). Transmitted to Senate.
2/22/2023HPassed Second Reading as amended in HD 1; placed on the calendar for Third Reading with none voting aye with reservations; none voting no (0) and Representative(s) Tam excused (1).
2/22/2023HReported from JHA (Stand. Com. Rep. No. 787) as amended in HD 1, recommending passage on Second Reading and placement on the calendar for Third Reading.
2/9/2023HThe committee on JHA recommend that the measure be PASSED, WITH AMENDMENTS. The votes were as follows: 10 Ayes: Representative(s) Tarnas, Takayama, Ganaden, Holt, Hashimoto, Ichiyama, Ilagan, Kong, Mizuno, Souza; Ayes with reservations: none; Noes: none; and Excused: none.
2/7/2023HBill scheduled to be heard by JHA on Thursday, 02-09-23 2:00PM in House conference room 325 VIA VIDEOCONFERENCE.
1/30/2023HReferred to JHA, referral sheet 3
1/25/2023HIntroduced and Pass First Reading.
1/23/2023HPending introduction.

S = Senate | H = House | D = Data Systems | $ = Appropriation measure | ConAm = Constitutional Amendment

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HB1039 HD1
All Versions of this Measure
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Hearing Notices
2/09/23 2:00P