- /sessions/session2022/MemberFiles/Senate/delacruz/Documents/
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8/4/2015 2:06 PM 70656 08.04.2015_District 22 Capital Improvement Project Funding List.pdf
7/2/2014 9:11 AM 161007
5/8/2019 9:44 AM 222532 2019-Session-Bills-that-Passed-the-Legislature.pdf
10/24/2018 4:35 PM 348600 A-Strategic-Direction-for-Agriculture_REV_2018-10-24.pdf
7/8/2015 10:54 AM 76588 Are You Prepared.pdf
10/11/2019 1:30 PM 4239120 Dela Cruz_100219TMC_C4.pdf
10/24/2018 8:03 AM 7270906 Dela Cruz_ADC-Board-Meeting-Exec.-Direc.-Report-10-03-2018.pdf
10/24/2018 8:03 AM 4346239 Dela Cruz_Agribusiness-Development-Corporation-Presentation.pdf
6/24/2020 4:36 PM 250805 Dela Cruz_CARES_Act_Relief_Funds_Presentation.pdf
1/9/2020 2:28 PM 384526 Dela Cruz_Central-Oahu-Voice-2020-01-08.pdf
12/18/2012 1:08 PM 123592 Dela Cruz_Christmas Message 2012.pdf
3/16/2020 8:33 AM 1449397 Dela Cruz_COVID19-MAILER.pdf
4/2/2020 4:39 PM 502910 Dela Cruz_Critical-Capital-for-Small-Businesses-in-Hawaii.pdf
5/14/2019 7:47 AM 81754 Dela Cruz_FB19-21-All-MOF-Pie-Chart.pdf
6/27/2013 1:23 PM 284873 Dela Cruz_Governor Enacts Measure to Promote Hawaiis Clean Energy Goals.pdf
5/3/2016 9:33 AM 525956 Dela Cruz_HFF Summer 2016 p032-33.pdf
5/15/2017 8:27 AM 1588511 Dela Cruz_HRG_Spring_2017 LR.pdf
5/16/2017 8:37 AM 1649666 Dela Cruz_Is Food Sustainability Possible in Hawaii.pdf
10/2/2012 1:21 PM 1362581 Dela Cruz_Karsten_Thot_Bridge_Repair_Photos1_and_2.pdf
7/9/2013 2:04 PM 286683 Dela Cruz_Lieutenant Governor Signs Bills to Help Build States Innovation Economy.pdf
11/4/2016 1:03 PM 2736277 Dela Cruz_MidWeek Central 2016-11-02.pdf
12/13/2016 9:55 AM 3256354 Dela Cruz_MidWeek Central 2016-12-07.pdf
8/22/2019 12:49 PM 868740 Dela Cruz_MidWeek-Central_2019-08-14.pdf
12/29/2011 2:33 PM 95500 Dela Cruz_Oahu DLNR listening sessions.pdf
6/24/2020 4:36 PM 171717 Dela Cruz_SB126_SD1_HD1_CD1_State_Budget_Presentation.pdf
2/20/2013 9:32 AM 255920 Dela Cruz_UH Letters.pdf
11/21/2022 10:18 AM 34573509 Dela Cruz_Wahiawa_Civic_Center.pdf
11/21/2022 10:18 AM 1845053 Dela Cruz_Wahiawa_Value-Added_Product_Development_Center.pdf
1/27/2012 9:08 AM 221126 Dela_Cruz_Caylees_Law.pdf
1/10/2012 3:39 PM 125294 Dela_Cruz_North_Shore_DLNR_listening_sessions.pdf
1/25/2012 9:09 AM 90914 Dela_Cruz_Traffic_Safety.pdf
7/10/2012 9:16 AM 98723 Dela_Cruz_Whitmore_Village_Agricultural_Development_Plan.pdf
4/11/2013 5:30 PM 119321 DelaCruz_LemonadeAlley.pdf
1/15/2016 5:29 PM 1255897 DelaCruz_Mililani-Middle-School-Calendar-Transition.pdf
8/17/2015 5:27 PM 2907762 DOE Factsheet_Cooling Schools.pdf
4/15/2016 9:53 AM 3867156 First Responders Tech Campus and Cybersecurity Data Center_2016-03-10.pdf
5/16/2017 9:52 AM 6302962 First Responders Tech Campus and Cybersecurity Data Center_2017-05-16.pdf
12/11/2017 8:42 AM 4095846 First Responders Tech Campus and Cybersecurity Data Center_2017-12-11.pdf
10/8/2013 2:37 PM 672306 Going Green_Kaala ES.PDF
6/16/2015 11:16 AM 388749 Governor Ige signs bill to establish a plan to end multi-track schedules.pdf
9/18/2013 9:12 AM 2906034 H-2-Freeway-Mililani-Interchange-Traffic-Study.pdf
7/26/2013 10:23 AM 1230095 H1RehabFactSheet Rev. 07_24_2013.pdf
7/19/2011 11:47 AM 3096553 Ku Kamaehu REV 07.19.2011.pdf
3/30/2011 9:28 AM 9468892 KuKamaehu.pdf
6/27/2014 2:40 PM 182157 LFASurvey.pdf
8/24/2015 12:10 PM 4570361 Live-Learn-Work-Play.pdf
11/23/2015 3:01 PM 1659120 Live-Learn-Work-Play_REV.2015-11-16.pdf
12/15/2015 9:07 AM 2876294 Live-Learn-Work-Play_REV.2015-12-15.pdf
10/7/2016 5:41 PM 1417203 Live-Learn-Work-Play_REV.2016-10-10.pdf
4/3/2013 10:58 AM 19419544 Master_Infrastructure_Map.pdf
5/6/2015 10:28 AM 1231501 Mililani Middle Multi-Track Transition.pdf
4/30/2013 3:58 PM 375444 New Chairs of Health Care and Economic Development TF.pdf
5/29/2015 5:02 PM 146938 Opening doors for agribusiness.pdf
9/2/2015 10:47 AM 2954484 Play Rugby USA Hawaii.pdf
7/19/2011 11:48 AM 1144153 Rural Economic Development Plan.pdf
7/3/2014 10:17 AM 187858 Senate District 22- CIP Budget FY15.pdf
5/6/2013 8:42 AM 4589505 State_Owned_TMKs.pdf
10/25/2018 3:04 PM 6786996 The Whitmore Project_REV_2018-10-25.pdf
9/29/2021 2:44 PM 20405849 The-Whitmore-Project_REV_2019-10-17.pdf
6/26/2013 1:19 PM 4077979 Wahiawa Welcomes You - Live Work Play.pdf
2/25/2013 9:53 AM 3954117 Whitmore Village Ag Redevelopment Plan (02-25-2013).pdf
3/1/2013 9:58 AM 3728828 Whitmore Village Ag Redevelopment Plan (02-28-2013).pdf
4/8/2013 11:05 AM 3904002 Whitmore Village Ag Redevelopment Plan (04-05-2013).pdf
7/23/2012 4:26 PM 9021949 Whitmore Village Agricultural Development Plan Presentation.pdf
9/14/2015 4:52 PM 1676062 WRS and Pumped-Storage Presentation.pdf