S.B. NO.














relating to workforce development.





     SECTION 1.  The legislature finds that Hawaii stands as the most isolated population center globally, situated approximately two thousand four hundred miles from the closest landmass, the mainland United States.  Given this geographical isolation, efficient transportation is critical for the survival of the State's population and its tourism industry.  Commercial drivers license (CDL) holders play a pivotal role in moving shipments from docks and airports to shelves, as storage space is limited within the State.

     The legislature further finds that Hawaii grapples with a shortage of CDL drivers, a challenge mirrored on the continental United States.  The nationwide deficit of truck drivers is reaching alarming proportions, with an immediate need for over eighty thousand truck drivers.  If current trends persist, the shortage is projected to double to one hundred sixty thousand by 2030, as warned by Haley Fenton of Western Pacific Truck School.

     The legislature also finds that this scarcity in the number of CDL drivers directly impacts the State's education system, where over two hundred additional CDL drivers are required to fully cover school bus routes statewide, causing some students to ride public transit.  To address this growing crisis, it is imperative to develop and implement a strategic plan that encourages employment in the CDL license field to ensure the State's economic and social well-being.

     Accordingly, the purpose of this Act is to create a working group within the department of transportation to address the State's current and future needs for CDL drivers.

     SECTION 2.  (a)  There is established a working group within the department of transportation.  The working group shall:

     (1)  Engage both public and private sectors with the goal of increasing awareness of the ground transportation industry and its' workforce needs; and

     (2)  Interface with key stakeholders to create and develop possible career paths for qualified CDL drivers, prioritizing filling vacancies within the department of education, with the ultimate goal of filling vacancies within the private and public sectors.

     (b)  The working group shall consist of the following members:

     (1)  The director of transportation, or the director's designee, who shall serve as the co-chair of the working group;

     (2)  One member from the department of education workforce development branch, who shall serve as the co-chair of the working group;

     (3)  A campus coordinator from the office of workforce development at the university of Hawaii community colleges, in charge of a workforce development program with CDL training;

     (4)  One member from the department of labor and industrial relations workforce development council;

     (5)  One member representing the CDL licensing offices of the counties; and

     (6)  One member representing the workforce development boards of the counties.

     (c)  The director of transportation shall invite representatives from the following organizations to serve as members of the working group:

     (1)  Two members representing the Hawaii Transportation Association;

     (2)  One member representing the labor union representing CDL drivers; and

     (3)  One member representing a local non-profit organization currently providing CDL training.

     (d)  The working group shall submit a report of its findings and recommendations to address the shortage of CDL drivers in the State, including any proposed legislation, to the legislature no later than twenty days prior to the convening of the regular session of 2025.

          SECTION 3.  This Act shall take effect upon its approval.









Report Title:

DOT; Workforce Development; CDL Drivers; Working Group; Report



Establishes a working group within the Department of Transportation to address the workforce shortage of CDL drivers in the State.  Requires a report to the Legislature.




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