S.B. NO. |
2419 |
S.D. 1 |
H.D. 1 |
SECTION 1. The legislature finds that Act 163, Session Laws of Hawaii 2017, known as the Clift Tsuji Act, among other things, appropriated funds to the department of agriculture to support the department's biosecurity program for the period beginning fiscal year July 1, 2017, and ending June 30, 2019. However, the department was unable to utilize the full appropriation for its programs before its lapsing at the end of the appropriated period. Furthermore, the original source of funds, the agricultural development and food security special fund, was repealed by section 8 of Act 9, First Special Session Laws of Hawaii 2021.
The legislature recognizes the significant impact of invasive species on Hawaii's agriculture, environment, natural resources, public health, and economy and supports the biosecurity program under the department of agriculture.
The legislature further finds that the department of agriculture has created the biosecurity program to fight pests and prohibited or restricted organisms without a permit on several fronts by:
(1) Administering pre-entry measures to minimize the risk of pests and prohibited or restricted organisms without a permit entering the State;
(2) Conducting port-of-entry inspections to detect and quarantine or destroy pests upon arrival; and
(3) Administering post-entry measures to mitigate the establishment of pests in the State.
The department of agriculture has also supported the growth of Hawaii's agriculture industry by attempting to reduce the State's dependency on imported agricultural products that may contain pests.
Pursuant to section 150A-53, Hawaii Revised Statutes, the department of agriculture is required to implement the comprehensive biosecurity program to control and prevent increasing threats of pests and prohibited or restricted organisms without a permit from entering and spreading throughout the State. While inspections are critical, increasing the State's ability to prevent the entry of high-risk products would enhance its ability to mitigate and manage invasive pests. This is vitally important not only to protect the State's fragile environment, but also to grow Hawaii's local agricultural industries and to increase levels of self-sufficiency and sustainability.
Accordingly, the purpose of this Act is to appropriate funds for the biosecurity program of the department of agriculture to develop and implement projects to increase local agricultural production and to lessen the entry of pests and prohibited or restricted organisms without a permit into the State on imported agricultural goods.
SECTION 2. There is appropriated out of the general revenues of the State of Hawaii the sum of $ or so much thereof as may be necessary for fiscal year 2024-2025 for the biosecurity program of the department of agriculture; provided that the sum appropriated shall be used for the following projects:
(1) Development of clean seed and new varietal improvements to address existing and emerging insects, diseases, pests, or other organisms detrimental to agriculture;
(2) Development of production and post-harvest treatments;
(3) Development and implementation of diagnostics to quickly and reliably identify new and evolving pests and diseases; and
(4) Development of pest management programs in agricultural production areas.
The sum appropriated shall be expended by the department of agriculture for the purposes of this Act.
In accordance with section 9 of article VII of the Hawaii State
Constitution and sections 37‑91 and 37‑93, Hawaii Revised Statutes,
the legislature has determined that the appropriations contained in H.B. No. , will cause the state
general fund expenditure ceiling for fiscal year 2024‑2025 to be exceeded
by $ or
per cent. In addition, the
appropriation contained in this Act will cause the general fund expenditure
ceiling for fiscal year 2024‑2025 to be further exceeded by $
or per cent.
The combined total amount of general fund appropriations contained in
only these two Acts will cause the state general fund expenditure ceiling for
fiscal year 2024‑2025 to be exceeded by
$ or
per cent. The reasons for exceeding the
general fund expenditure ceiling are that:
(1) The appropriation made in this Act is necessary to serve the public interest; and
(2) The appropriation made in this Act meets the needs addressed by this Act.
SECTION 4. This Act shall take effect on July 1, 3000.
Report Title:
Department of Agriculture; Biosecurity; Pest Control; Invasive Species; Appropriation; Expenditure Ceiling
Appropriates funds for the biosecurity program of the Department of Agriculture to develop and implement projects for clean plant material, agricultural treatments, diagnostics, and pest management. Effective 7/1/3000. (HD1)
The summary description
of legislation appearing on this page is for informational purposes only and is
not legislation or evidence of legislative intent.