H.B. NO.














relating to native hawaiian health.





     SECTION 1.  The legislature finds that according to the United States Department of Health and Human Services Office of Minority Health, in 2014, people of Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander ethnicity were ten per cent more likely to be diagnosed with coronary heart disease than non-Hispanic white individuals.  The Office of Minority Health has also noted that in comparison to other ethnic groups, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders have higher rates of smoking, alcohol consumption, and obesity; less access to cancer prevention and control programs; and a tuberculosis rate that in 2019 was thirty-seven times higher than the rate for non-Hispanic whites.  Additionally, the leading causes of death among Native Hawaiians include cancer, heart disease, unintentional injuries, stroke, and diabetes.

     The legislature also finds that as of March 2021, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders had the highest per capita coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) death rate in eighteen of twenty states reporting deaths on this population group.  Yet, researchers at the University of California, Irvine program in public health found that Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander communities currently receive a fraction of the resources that they need to contain COVID-19 outbreaks and address other health problems, in part due to persisting socioeconomic inequalities and gaps in community data.

     The legislature further finds that Senate Resolution No. 60, S.D.1, Regular Session of 2014, created a Native Hawaiian health task force to make recommendations about pathways for improving the health of native Hawaiians.  The goal of the task force was to articulate priority areas to advance health equity for Native Hawaiians and, in turn, elevate the health of Hawaii's entire population.  The task force's work was community- and land-focused, emphasized Native Hawaiian values and aspirations, and recognized past efforts toward improving the health status of Native Hawaiians.  One of the task force's key recommendations was to establish an office of Native Hawaiian health within the department of health to advance the social, physical, psychological, and emotional health of Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander communities.

     Accordingly, the purpose of this Act is to uplift the health and welfare of the Hawaiian community by creating an office of Native Hawaiian health within the department of health.

     SECTION 2.  Chapter 321, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by adding a new section to be appropriately designated and to read as follows:

     "§321-     Office of Native Hawaiian health.  (a)  There is established an office of Native Hawaiian health that shall be administratively attached to the department of health.

     (b)  The mission of the office of Native Hawaiian health shall be to:

     (1)  Serve as the department of health's focal point for Native Hawaiian health equity by ensuring the development of plans, strategies, actions, and programs to address the health disparities experienced by Native Hawaiians;

     (2)  Create relevant metrics, collect data, track, and report on significant health disparities and trends affecting Native Hawaiians;

     (3)  Seek funding and support for Native Hawaiian health services presently being delivered by governmental and nongovernmental agencies, including but not limited to federally qualified health centers, Papa Ola Lokahi, Native Hawaiian Health Centers, and other qualified agencies presently funded under the federal Native Hawaiian Health Care Act of 1988; and

     (4)  Pursue additional funding and support for research regarding Native Hawaiian health disparities, including but not limited to research being conducted by the University of Hawaii John A. Burns school of medicine.

     (c)  No later than twenty days prior to the convening of each regular session, the office of Native Hawaiian health shall submit an annual report to the legislature regarding the State's progress toward eliminating health disparities among Native Hawaiians, including recommendations and any proposed legislation to improve health outcomes for Native Hawaiians."

     SECTION 3.  There is appropriated out of the general revenues of the State of Hawaii the sum of $500,000 or so much thereof as may be necessary for fiscal year 2023-2024 and the same sum or so much thereof as may be necessary for fiscal year 2024-2025 for the establishment of the office of Native Hawaiian health.

     The sums appropriated shall be expended by the department of health for the purposes of this Act.

     SECTION 4.  New statutory material is underscored.

     SECTION 5.  This Act shall take effect on July 1, 2023.








Report Title:

Office of Native Hawaiian Health; Department of Health; Appropriation



Creates an office of Native Hawaiian health within the department of health.  Appropriates funds.




The summary description of legislation appearing on this page is for informational purposes only and is not legislation or evidence of legislative intent.