Honolulu, Hawaii



RE:    H.B. No. 2610

       H.D. 1

       S.D. 1




Honorable Ronald D. Kouchi

President of the Senate

Thirty-Second State Legislature

Regular Session of 2024

State of Hawaii




     Your Committee on Public Safety and Intergovernmental and Military Affairs, to which was referred H.B. No. 2610, H.D. 1, entitled:




begs leave to report as follows:


     The purpose and intent of this measure is to:


     (1)  Establish a Disaster Relief Match Special Fund to support the local match requirements of the FEMA Maui Wildfires Hazard Mitigation Grant Program for projects that implement mitigation measures to prevent and minimize the impacts of natural hazards affecting the State; and


     (2)  Appropriate funds.


     Your Committee received testimony in support of this measure from the Hawaiʻi Emergency Management Agency, Office of the Mayor of the County of Maui, one member of the Maui County Council, Maui Chamber of Commerce, and State Hazard Mitigation Forum.


     Your Committee received comments on this measure from the Department of Budget and Finance.


     Your Committee finds that after the August 2023 Maui wildfires, the Federal Emergency Management Agency provided response support and continues to offer recovery assistance via several programs, including the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program.  Your Committee further finds that while the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program can be effective in assisting communities in recovery efforts, the Grant Program requires a match from non-federal funds.  This measure will ensure the full and efficient use of the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program by establishing a special fund for local match requirements.


     Your Committee has amended this measure by inserting an effective date of July 1, 2042, to encourage further discussion.


     As affirmed by the record of votes of the members of your Committee on Public Safety and Intergovernmental and Military Affairs that is attached to this report, your Committee is in accord with the intent and purpose of H.B. No. 2610, H.D. 1, as amended herein, and recommends that it pass Second Reading in the form attached hereto as H.B. No. 2610, H.D. 1, S.D. 1, and be referred to your Committee on Ways and Means.


Respectfully submitted on behalf of the members of the Committee on Public Safety and Intergovernmental and Military Affairs,



