Friday, April 28, 2023 |
9:45 AM |
Conference Room 229 State Capitol 415 South Beretania Street |
A live stream link of all Conference Committee meetings will be available online.
Click here for the live stream of House & Senate meeting via YouTube.
The Conference Committee will RECONVENE to resolve differences between the last House and Senate versions of the following: |
RELATING TO HISTORIC PRESERVATION. State Historic Preservation Division; DLNR; Inventory; Burial Sites; Historic Properties; Appropriation House Conferees: Representatives Ichiyama/Poepoe, Co-Chairs; Morikawa, Souza (WAL, FIN) Senate Conferees: Senators Inouye, Chair; Shimabukuro/Kanuha, Co-Chairs (WTL/HWN, WAM)
RELATING TO THE DISPOSITION OF WATER RIGHTS. Water Rights; Commercial Kalo Farming; Native Hawaiian Practices; Exemptions House Conferees: Representatives Ichiyama/Tarnas/Kitagawa, Co-Chairs; Morikawa, Poepoe, Souza (WAL, JHA, FIN) Senate Conferees: Senators Inouye, Chair; Shimabukuro/Gabbard, Co-Chairs (WTL/HWN, JDC)
RELATING TO DAM AND APPURTENANCE SAFETY. DLNR; BLNR; Dam and Reservoirs; Grant Program; Appropriations House Conferees: Representatives Ichiyama/Lamosao, Co-Chairs; Chun, Morikawa, Souza (WAL, FIN) Senate Conferees: Senators Inouye, Chair; Keith-Agaran, Co-Chair; Elefante (WTL, WAM)
RELATING TO BEACHES. Hawaii State Planning Act; OPSD; Beach Assessment Study; Beach and Shoreline Adaptation, Restoration, and Conservation Plan; Appropriation House Conferees: Representatives Ichiyama/Poepoe, Co-Chairs; Evslin, Souza (WAL, FIN) Senate Conferees: Senators Inouye, Chair; Moriwaki, Co-Chair; Elefante (WTL, WAM)
RELATING TO SEA LEVEL RISE ADAPTATION. Office of Planning and Sustainable Development, Sea Level Rise Adaptation; Appropriation House Conferees: Representatives Ichiyama/Poepoe, Co-Chairs; Evslin, Souza (WAL, FIN) Senate Conferees: Senators Inouye, Chair; McKelvey/Moriwaki, Co-Chairs (WTL/GVO, WAM)
RELATING TO STATE WATER CODE PENALTIES. State Water Code; Commission on Water Resource Management; Penalties; Positions; Appropriations House Conferees: Representatives Ichiyama/Tarnas/Poepoe, Co-Chairs; Chun, Souza (WAL, JHA, FIN) Senate Conferees: Senators Inouye, Chair; Rhoads/DeCoite, Co-Chairs; Elefante (WTL, JDC/WAM)
RELATING TO THE GREEN JOBS YOUTH CORPS. Green Jobs Youth Corps; DLNR; Appropriation House Conferees: Representatives Ichiyama/Cochran, Co-Chairs; Chun, Souza (WAL, FIN) Senate Conferees: Senators Inouye, Chair; Moriwaki, Co-Chair; Elefante (WTL, WAM)
RELATING TO THE LAND CONSERVATION FUND. Conveyance Tax; Land Conservation Fund House Conferees: Representatives Ichiyama/Poepoe, Co-Chairs; Chun, Nishimoto, Souza (WAL, FIN) Senate Conferees: Senators Inouye, Chair; Keith-Agaran, Co-Chair; Elefante (WTL, WAM)
RELATING TO THE DEPARTMENT OF LAND AND NATURAL RESOURCES. DLNR; Recreational Activities; Commercial Activities; Permits; Licenses; Reservations; Website; Appropriations House Conferees: Representatives Ichiyama/Quinlan/Morikawa, Co-Chairs; Chun, Poepoe, Souza (WAL, TOU, FIN) Senate Conferees: Senators Inouye, Chair; Keith-Agaran, Co-Chair; Elefante (WTL, WAM)
RELATING TO LAND USE. Office of Planning and Sustainable Development; Land Use; Rural District Study; Appropriation House Conferees: Representatives Ichiyama/Kitagawa, Co-Chairs; Hashem, Souza (WAL, FIN) Senate Conferees: Senators Inouye, Chair; Kim, Co-Chair; Elefante (WTL, WAM)
RELATING TO THE DEPARTMENT OF LAND AND NATURAL RESOURCES. DLNR; Na Ala Hele Program; Trails; Operating Costs; Positions; Appropriation House Conferees: Representatives Ichiyama/Poepoe, Co-Chairs; Ganaden, Souza (WAL, FIN) Senate Conferees: Senators Inouye, Chair; Wakai, Co-Chair; Elefante (WTL, WAM)
As this is a decision making meeting only, no public testimony will be accepted.
If you require special assistance or auxiliary aids and/or services to participate in the public hearing process (i.e., sign or foreign language interpreter or wheelchair accessibility), please contact the Committee Clerk at (808) 586-6220 at least 24 hours prior to the hearing for arrangements. Prompt requests submitted help to ensure the availability of qualified individuals and appropriate accommodations.
For further information, please call the Committee Clerk at (808) 586-6355.