Friday, April 28, 2023 |
1:30pm |
Conference Room 329 State Capitol 415 South Beretania Street |
A live stream link of all Conference Committee meetings will be available online.
Click here for the live stream of House & Senate meeting via YouTube.
The Conference Committee will RECONVENE to resolve differences between the last House and Senate versions of the following: |
RELATING TO HUMAN SERVICES. DHS; Medical Care Payments; Long-Term Supports and Services; Provider Reimbursements; Calculations; Adjustment of Method; Appropriation House Conferees: Representatives Mizuno/Kobayashi, Co-Chairs; Amato, Garcia (HUS, FIN) Senate Conferees: Senators San Buenaventura, Chair; Moriwaki, Co-Chair; Aquino (HHS, WAM)
RELATING TO EXEMPTIONS FROM CIVIL SERVICE FOR POSITIONS IN THE DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES. Department of Human Services; Civil Service; Exemptions House Conferees: Representatives Mizuno/Garrett/Kobayashi, Co-Chairs; Amato, Garcia (HUS, LGO, FIN) Senate Conferees: Senators Moriwaki, Chair; Aquino/Shimabukuro, Co-Chairs; Fevella (LBT/HHS, WAM)
RELATING TO EARLY CHILD CARE. DHS; Infant and Toddler Child Care Worker Subsidy Pilot Program; Infant and Toddlers; Appropriation House Conferees: Representatives Mizuno/Kitagawa, Co-Chairs; Garcia (HUS, FIN) Senate Conferees: Senators Aquino, Chair; Moriwaki/Kidani, Co-Chairs (HHS/LBT, WAM)
RELATING TO HUMAN TRAFFICKING. Department of the Attorney General; Human Trafficking Prevention Program; Reports House Conferees: Representatives Mizuno/Tarnas/Kitagawa, Co-Chairs; Amato, Ichiyama, Garcia (HUS, JHA, FIN) Senate Conferees: Senators San Buenaventura, Chair; Rhoads/Kidani, Co-Chairs (HHS, JDC/WAM)
RELATING TO THE NEIGHBOR ISLANDS BLIND AND VISUALLY IMPAIRED SERVICE PILOT PROGRAM. Deaf and Blind Task Force; Department of Human Services; Neighbor Islands Blind and Visually Impaired Service Pilot Program; Division of Vocational Rehabilitation; Ho‘opono Services for the Blind Branch; Working Group; Implementation Plan; Appropriation House Conferees: Representatives Mizuno/Kobayashi, Co-Chairs; Amato, Garcia (HUS, FIN) Senate Conferees: Senators San Buenaventura, Chair; DeCoite, Co-Chair; Shimabukuro (HHS, WAM)
RELATING TO CARE HOMES. CCFFH; ARCH; DDDOM; Adult Foster Homes; Department of Human Services; State Supplemental Payments House Conferees: Representatives Mizuno/Belatti/Lamosao, Co-Chairs; Amato, Garcia (HUS/HLT, FIN) Senate Conferees: Senators San Buenaventura, Chair; Shimabukuro, Co-Chair; Aquino (HHS, WAM)
RELATING TO HOMELESSNESS. DHS; Homelessness; Return-to-Home Pilot Program; Appropriation House Conferees: Representatives Mizuno/Belatti/Kobayashi, Co-Chairs; Amato, Garcia (HUS/HLT, FIN) Senate Conferees: Senators Moriwaki, Chair; Lee, Co-Chair; Shimabukuro (HHS, WAM)
RELATING TO THE CHILD WELFARE SERVICES. Child Welfare System; Child Welfare Services; Office of Wellness and Resilience; Malama Ohana Working Group; Report; Appropriation House Conferees: Representatives Mizuno/Kobayashi, Co-Chairs; Alcos (HUS, FIN) Senate Conferees: Senators San Buenaventura, Chair; Moriwaki, Co-Chair; Shimabukuro (HHS, WAM)
As this is a decision making meeting only, no public testimony will be accepted.
If you require special assistance or auxiliary aids and/or services to participate in the public hearing process (i.e., sign or foreign language interpreter or wheelchair accessibility), please contact the Committee Clerk at (808) 586-6050 at least 24 hours prior to the hearing for arrangements. Prompt requests submitted help to ensure the availability of qualified individuals and appropriate accommodations.
For further information, please call the Committee Clerk at (808) 586-6050.