H.R. NO.













Establishing a commISSION to improve standards of conduct.




     WHEREAS, the strength and stability of our democratic government rely on the public's trust in the government's institutions and officers to act with prudence, integrity, and good, ethical judgment; and


     WHEREAS, this body recognizes the consequences of a loss of public trust in governmental institutions and their officers and the resultant threats posed to an orderly, effective government; and


WHEREAS, this body notes that certain safeguards, including ethics, lobbying, and campaign spending laws, are in place to prevent this loss of public confidence in and good reputation of governmental institutions and their officers; now, therefore,


     BE IT RESOLVED by the House of Representatives of the Thirty-first Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2022, that a Commission to Improve Standards of Conduct is hereby established; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the purpose and duties of the Commission shall be to:


     (1)  Review and assess existing state laws and rules relating to standards of conduct of public officers and employees, including but not limited to:


     (A)  The Code of Ethics under chapter 84, Hawaii Revised Statutes;


     (B)  Lobbying laws under chapter 97, Hawaii Revised Statutes;


     (C)  Campaign finance laws under chapter 11, Hawaii Revised Statutes; and


          (D)  Any other applicable laws and rules;


     (2)  Ensure the state laws and rules reviewed and assessed pursuant to paragraph (1) contain clear standards, enforcement, and penalties; and


     (3)  Provide recommendations to further the goals of the Code of Ethics, lobbying laws, campaign finance laws, and other applicable laws and rules that will increase awareness of, compliance with, and deterrent effects of those laws and rules; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Commission consist of the following seven members who shall be appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives:


     (1)  Judge Daniel R. Foley (Ret.), who shall serve as chair;


     (2)  Robert D. Harris, Executive Director of the State Ethics Commission;


     (3)  Kristin E. Izumi-Nitao, Executive Director of the Campaign Spending Commission;


     (4)  Sandy Ma, Executive Director of Common Cause Hawaii;


     (5)  Barbara C. Marumoto, Former State Representative;


     (6)  Janet Mason, League of Women Voters of Hawaii; and


     (7)  Florence T. Nakakuni, Former U.S. Attorney for the District of Hawaii; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Commission is requested to consult with the Department of the Attorney General and public interest organizations with expertise in the areas of ethics, campaign finance, and standards of conduct, such as the National Conference of State Legislatures, Council of State Governments, and Brennan Center for Justice at the New York University School of Law; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Commission is requested to submit an interim report of findings and recommendations, including any proposed legislation, to the House of Representatives by March 31, 2022, and a final report, including any proposed legislation, to the House of Representatives by December 1, 2022; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this Resolution be transmitted to Robert D. Harris, Executive Director of the Hawaii State Ethics Commission; the Chair of the Hawaii State Ethics Commission; Kristin E. Izumi-Nitao, Executive Director of the Campaign Spending Commission; Holly T. Shikada, Acting Attorney General; the Chair of the Campaign Spending Commission; Tim Storey, Executive Director of the National Conference of State Legislatures; the Executive Director of the Council of State Governments; the President of the Brennan Center for Justice; Sandy Ma, Executive Director of Common Cause Hawaii; the Board of the League of Women Voters of Hawaii; Judge Daniel R. Foley (Ret.); Florence T. Nakakuni; Barbara C. Marumoto; and Janet Mason.









Report Title: 

Commission to Review Ethics Code, Lobbyist laws, and Campaign Spending laws