H.B. NO.



H.D. 2


S.D. 1














     SECTION 1.  The purpose of this Act is to require and appropriate funds for the Hawaii natural energy institute to conduct a study to determine Hawaii's pathway to decarbonization and identify challenges, opportunities, and actions that will be needed to achieve those goals.

     SECTION 2.  (a)  The Hawaii natural energy institute shall analyze pathways and develop recommendations for achieving the State's economy-wide decarbonization goals, including the statewide greenhouse gas emissions limit and goal to sequester more atmospheric carbon and greenhouse gases than emitted by no later than 2045 pursuant to section 225P-5, Hawaii Revised Statutes.

     (b)  As part of its analysis and development of recommendations, the Hawaii natural energy institute shall:

     (1)  Recommend regulatory or other state actions that will ensure the attainment of the State's decarbonization goals;

     (2)  Include measures to reduce emissions from electricity, including accelerating the adoption of clean energy and improving energy efficiency for residential, commercial, and government users, dispatching renewable energy as a consideration of priority on the grid, eliminating curtailment, eliminating fossil fuel imports and fossil fuel generation utilizing firm renewable energy sources;

     (3)  Include land use and transportation planning measures aimed at reducing emissions from the electricity and transportation sector;

     (4)  Recommend state actions to address emissions associated with air travel and shipping, including how to encourage adoption of alternative fuels;

     (5)  Recommend best management practices in the agricultural sector;

     (6)  Include long-term carbon sequestration and carbon capture and utilization opportunities;

     (7)  Make recommendations to aid in the transition of the state workforce to meet the needs of a decarbonized economy;

     (8)  Consider impacts to environmental justice, frontline, and low-income communities and make recommendations for how to mitigate any impacts to these communities and to facilitate a just transition to a decarbonized economy;

     (9)  Determine the most cost-effective and reliable pathway to decarbonization;

    (10)  Rank recommendations based on level of impact, cost, and ease of implementation;

    (11)  Examine contributions of different carbon sources, how each source can be reduced, what entities are responsible for the reduction of each source, and how each source factors into the determination of statewide greenhouse gas reduction goals; and

    (12)  Include other relevant considerations as deemed appropriate and necessary.

     (c)  In preparing the analysis, the Hawaii natural energy institute shall consult and collaborate with other state agencies, the counties, and relevant stakeholders and organizations.

     (d)  The Hawaii natural energy institute shall submit a report of its analysis and recommendations to the legislature no later than twenty days prior to the convening of the regular session of 2024.

     SECTION 3.  There is appropriated out of the energy security special fund the sum of $           or so much thereof as may be necessary for fiscal year 2022-2023 for the Hawaii natural energy institute to analyze pathways and develop recommendations for achieving the State's economy-wide decarbonization goals, as required pursuant to section 2 of this Act; provided that the amount expended shall not count toward any expenditure ceiling of the energy security special fund.

     The sum appropriated shall be expended by the Hawaii natural energy institute for the purposes of this part.

     SECTION 4.  This Act shall take effect on July 1, 2100.



Report Title:

Hawaii Natural Energy Institute; Pathway to Decarbonization; Study; Energy Security Special Fund; Appropriation



Requires the Hawaii Natural Energy Institute to conduct a study to determine Hawaii's pathway to decarbonization and identify challenges, opportunities, and actions that will be needed to achieve those goals.  Appropriates funds out of the Energy Security Special Fund for the study.  Effective 7/1/2100.  (SD1)




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