H.B. NO.



H.D. 1
















     SECTION 1.  The legislature finds that Act 187, Session Laws of Hawaii 2012, established the Hawaii health corps program as a means of addressing the State's longstanding health care provider shortage.  This program is aimed at increasing Hawaii residents' ability to obtain timely medical services by incentivizing family physicians, physician assistants, and nurse practitioners to provide medical services in underserved and rural areas in the State in return for repayment of loans.

     The legislature further finds that because of the impact of the "SARS-CoV-2" virus, there is an increased need across the State for the services provided by social workers and psychologists.  However, under the current Hawaii health corps program, social workers and psychologists are ineligible to participate.

     The purpose of this Act is to:

     (1)  Establish the Hawaii rural mental health corps program for eligible social workers and psychologists;

     (2)  Create the Hawaii rural mental health care provider repayment program and make the department of health responsible for administration of the program; and

     (3)  Appropriate funds for the Hawaii rural mental health care provider repayment program.

     SECTION 2.  Chapter 309H, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by adding a new part to be appropriately designated and to read as follows:

"Part III.  HAwaii Mental Health Corps

     §309H-A  Hawaii rural mental health corps program; established.  (a)  There is established the Hawaii rural mental health corps program to encourage psychologists and social workers to serve in counties having a shortage of psychologists and social workers, with priority given to a rural area county.

     (b)  The Hawaii rural mental health corps program shall be administered by the University of Hawaii at Manoa college of social sciences and the University of Hawaii at Manoa Thompson school of social work and public health.  In administering the program, the University of Hawaii at Manoa college of social sciences and University of Hawaii at Manoa Thompson school of social work and public health shall:

     (1)  Adopt rules and develop guidelines to administer the program;

     (2)  Identify and designate areas of the counties where there is a shortage of psychologists and social workers;

     (3)  Establish criteria for the selection of psychologists by the University of Hawaii at Manoa college of social sciences and of social workers by the University of Hawaii at Manoa Thompson school of social work and public health to participate in the Hawaii rural mental health care provider loan repayment program established pursuant to section 309H-B;

     (4)  Define and determine compliance with the service commitments of the Hawaii rural mental health care provider loan repayment program;

     (5)  In conjunction with the department of health, collect and manage reimbursements from participants who do not meet their service commitments under the Hawaii rural mental health care provider loan repayment program;

     (6)  Publicize the program, particularly to maximize participation by individuals who live in areas of a county where there is a shortage of psychologists and social workers;

     (7)  In conjunction with the department of health, solicit and accept grants and donations from public and private sources for the Hawaii rural mental health care provider loan repayment program, including maximizing the use of federal matching funds; and

     (8)  Establish criteria and procedures for calling Hawaii rural mental health corps program participants into service during an emergency or disaster.

     §309H-B  Hawaii rural mental health care provider loan repayment program.  (a)  There is created within the Hawaii rural mental health corps program the Hawaii rural mental health care provider loan repayment program to be administered by the department of health in partnership with a lending financial institution whose operations are principally conducted in Hawaii.  The Hawaii rural mental health care provider loan repayment program shall provide loan repayments to eligible psychologists and social workers who make the service commitment under subsection (b).  The department of health shall work with the University of Hawaii at Manoa college of social sciences and University of Hawaii at Manoa Thompson school of social work and public health to identify loan payment amounts and loan repayment program recipients.  The department of health shall make loan repayments directly to the financial institution under subsection (b) to offset the loan repayment for which the Hawaii rural mental health care provider loan repayment program recipient would otherwise be liable.  Loan repayments shall commence upon the commencement of loan repayments by the Hawaii rural mental health care provider loan repayment program recipient to the lending financial institution.  The department of health shall prioritize loan repayments in accordance with the greatest specialty shortages for the particular county.

     (b)  The Hawaii rural mental health care provider loan repayment program shall provide loan repayments on behalf of licensed psychologists and social workers who agree to serve for five consecutive years as a psychologist or social worker in a county having a shortage of psychologists and social workers, with priority given to a rural area of that particular county; provided that psychologists or social workers shall have graduated with a degree in psychology or social work from a duly accredited university or college within the United States, as applicable; provided further that preference shall be given to graduates of the University of Hawaii at Manoa college of social sciences or University of Hawaii at Manoa Thompson school of social work and public health, as applicable.

     (c)  Eligible participants in the Hawaii rural mental health care provider loan repayment program shall be determined by the University of Hawaii at Manoa college of social sciences and University of Hawaii at Manoa Thompson school of social work and public health on a competitive basis and in accordance with subsection (b).

     (d)  If a Hawaii rural mental health care provider loan repayment program participant fails to satisfy the recipient's service commitment under subsection (b), the Hawaii rural mental health care provider loan repayment program participant shall be liable for the repayment of the outstanding balance of the loan to the lending financial institution under subsection (b).  In addition, the department of health may seek reimbursement for any loan repayment made by the department of health on behalf of the Hawaii rural mental health care provider loan repayment program participant.

     (e)  In accordance with chapter 103D, the department of health may enter into written contracts with collection agencies to collect delinquent reimbursements of loan repayments.  All payments collected, exclusive of a collection agency's commissions, shall revert and be credited to the general fund.  A collection agency that enters into a written contract with the department of health to collect delinquent reimbursements of loan repayments pursuant to this section may collect a commission from the debtor in accordance with the terms of, and up to the amounts authorized in, the written contract.

     §309H-C  Hawaii health corps first responder service obligation.  If an emergency or disaster proclaimed under chapter 127A occurs, psychologists and social workers participating in the Hawaii rural mental health corps program may be ordered into service by the governor as first responders to serve in areas of the State and in a capacity determined by the director of health.

     §309H-D  Rules.  The University of Hawaii at Manoa college of social sciences and the University of Hawaii at Manoa Thompson school of social work and public health shall adopt rules to administer the Hawaii rural mental health corps program and the department of health shall adopt rules to administer the Hawaii rural mental health care provider loan repayment program.  The rules shall be adopted pursuant to chapter 91, but shall be exempt from public notice and public hearing requirements."

     SECTION 3.  Chapter 309H, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended as follows:

     1.  By amending its title to read:

"[[]CHAPTER 309H[]]


     2.   By designating section 309H-1 as part I and inserting a title before section 309H-1 to read:


     3.  By designating sections 309H-2 to 309H-5 as part II and inserting a title before section 309H-2 to read:


     SECTION 4.  Section 309H-1, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by adding two new definitions to be appropriately inserted and to read as follows:

     ""Psychologist" means a person licensed as a psychologist under chapter 465.

     "Social worker" means a person licensed as a social worker under chapter 467E."

     SECTION 5.  There is appropriated out of the general revenues of the State the sum of $           or so much thereof as may be necessary for fiscal year 2022-2023 for the purposes of the Hawaii rural mental health care provider loan repayment program.

     The sum appropriated shall be expended by the department of health for the purposes of this Act.

     SECTION 6.  In codifying the new sections added by section 2 of this Act, the revisor of statutes shall substitute appropriate section numbers for the letters used in designating the new sections in this Act.

     SECTION 7.  Statutory material to be repealed is bracketed and stricken.  New statutory material is underscored.

     SECTION 8.  This Act shall take effect on July 1, 2060.



Report Title:

Hawaii Rural Mental Health Corps Program; Hawaii Rural Mental Health Care Provider Loan Repayment Program; Psychologists; Social Workers; Appropriation



Creates the Hawaii rural mental health corps program and Hawaii rural mental health care provider loan repayment program to encourage psychologists and social workers to serve in counties having a shortage of psychologists and social workers.  Makes the department of health responsible for administering the Hawaii rural mental health care provider loan repayment program.  Appropriates funds.  Effective 7/1/2060.  (HD1)




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