H.B. NO.



H.D. 1
















     SECTION 1.  The legislature finds that according to the 2019 Hawaii Housing Planning Study, there is a shortage of 10,457 housing units for households with incomes below thirty per cent of the area median income.  For a family of three, this translates to an annual income between $0 and $34,000; many individuals in this income group require supportive housing services.

     The legislature further finds that many individuals and families with extremely low incomes include older adults; people with intellectual, physical, and developmental disabilities; people with substance use disorder; young adults aging out of foster care; people completing prison terms; people with mental health issues; and people experiencing homelessness.

     The legislature further finds that a system is not in place to address the supportive housing needs of each county.  Extremely low-income individuals and families should have the opportunity to live in safe, decent, and stable housing with dignity and independence.  Establishing a system of supportive housing needs will prevent homelessness and costly institutional care in hospitals, prisons, and long-term care facilities.

     Due to access and functional needs, individuals require various levels of care to carry out the activities of daily living, transition into the community, and find suitable employment.  The Corporation for Supportive Housing has estimated the need for 3,888 housing units of supportive housing in the State.

     The legislature further finds that Act 39, Session Laws of Hawaii 2018 (Act 39), requested the Hawaii housing finance and development corporation to obtain information on supportive housing needs in the State and each county.  Based on feedback from thirty agencies, the study found that there are 37,031 individuals with access and functional needs without housing.  The majority in need of housing, eighty-one per cent, are on the island of Oahu.  Individuals who are homeless or in an emergency shelter had the highest housing need, at fifty-five per cent, followed by individuals with physical or severe mental disabilities, at twenty-eight per cent.  The study results were limited because agencies had different data systems and capacity to track housing need information.  The study therefore recommended convening a work group with representatives from key sectors to develop a new monitoring and forecasting system.

     The purpose of this Act is to establish a supportive housing task force to improve data collection on supportive housing needs, bring stakeholders together to develop a roadmap for implementing supportive housing, address financing opportunities, bridge housing developers with supportive housing service providers, and develop best practices.

     SECTION 2.  (a)  There is established a supportive housing task force to be placed within the department of human services for administrative purposes.

     (b)  The supportive housing task force shall:

     (1)  Determine the number of housing units needed for each county for individuals with access and functional needs, including individuals with substance use issues, mental illness, or intellectual or developmental disabilities; chronically homeless individuals; homeless families; child welfare families; young adults aging out of foster care; adults completing prison terms; and the elderly;

     (2)  Agree on housing production and supportive housing service goals;

     (3)  Develop a plan to secure funding for capital improvements and rental assistance;

     (4)  Identify government agencies and nonprofit organizations that can fund, provide, or fund and provide supportive housing services once individuals and families are housed;

     (5)  Educate housing developers and develop working relationships to incorporate supportive housing, including functional access, counseling rooms, group meeting, and community gathering spaces, into the physical design of future housing developments; and

     (6)  Monitor, evaluate, and develop supportive housing best practices.

     (c)  The task force shall consist of the following members, or their respective designees, who shall serve until the task force is terminated:

     (1)  The governor's coordinator on homelessness;

     (2)  The administrator of the benefit, employment, and support services division of the department of human services;

     (3)  The administrator of the med-QUEST division of the department of human services;

     (4)  The administrator of the adult mental health division of the department of health;

     (5)  The administrator of the alcohol and drug abuse division of the department of health;

     (6)  The executive director of the Hawaii housing finance and development corporation;

     (7)  The executive director of the office of housing of the city and county of Honolulu;

     (8)  The housing administrator of the office of housing and community development of the county of Hawaii;

     (9)  The director of the department of housing and human concerns of the county of Maui;

    (10)  The director of the housing agency of the county of Kauai;

    (11)  The executive director of Partners In Care;

    (12)  The executive director of Bridging the Gap Hawaii;

    (13)  The following members, to be appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives:

          (A)  A member of the house of representatives;

          (B)  A non-profit housing developer;

          (C)  A non-profit supportive housing services provider; and

          (D)  A supportive housing services user or advocate; and

    (14)  The following members, to be appointed by the president of the senate:

          (A)  A member of the senate;

          (B)  A for-profit housing developer;

          (C)  A non-profit supportive housing services provider; and

          (D)  A supportive housing services user or advocate.

     (d)  All appointees shall have expertise related to housing or supportive housing services.

     (e)  Any vacancy on the task force shall be filled in the manner provided for in the original appointment of the position.

     (f)  The initial meeting of the task force shall occur no later than thirty days after the effective date of this Act.  The members shall elect a chair and committees, if necessary, during the initial meeting of the task force.  A majority of the members of the task force shall constitute a quorum to do business.

     (g)  To ensure the task force meetings are efficient and cost-effective, the task force may meet virtually using virtual meeting software.

     (h)  Members of the task force shall receive no compensation for their duties as members of the commission.  The task force shall be exempt from part I of chapter 92, Hawaii Revised Statutes.

     (i)  The task force shall submit an interim report of its findings and recommendations to the legislature no later than twenty days prior to the convening of the regular session of 2023.  The task force shall submit a final report of its findings and recommendations to the legislature no later than twenty days prior to the convening of the regular session of 2024.

     (j)  The department of human services shall provide administrative support to the task force.

     (k)  The task force shall terminate on June 30, 2024.

     SECTION 3.  There is appropriated out of the general revenues of the State of Hawaii the sum of $           or so much thereof as may be necessary for fiscal year 2022-2023 for the supportive housing task force, including one full-time equivalent (1.0 FTE) planner or specialist position.

     The sum appropriated shall be expended by the department of human services for the purposes of this Act.

     SECTION 4.  This Act shall take effect on July 1, 2050.




Report Title:

Department of Human Services; Supportive Housing Task Force; Appropriation



Establishes and appropriates funds for a supportive housing task force to improve data collection on supportive housing needs in the State.  Appropriates funds.  Effective 7/1/2050.  (HD1)




The summary description of legislation appearing on this page is for informational purposes only and is not legislation or evidence of legislative intent.