Hawaii State Senate
1. Assistant Majority Whip
2. Chair, Committee on Health
3. Member, Senate Special Committee on COVID-19
4. Co-Chair Legislative Hawaiian Caucus
5. Member, Hawaii 2.0 Initiative
6. Member, Mayor's Economic Recovery Task Force
7. Member, ETS Information Technology Steering Committee
8. Chair, Committee on Technology (2018-2020)
9. Majority Floor Leader (2018-2021)
Hawaii House of Representatives
1. Majority Policy Leader (2017-2018)
2. Vice-Chair, Committee on Economic Development (2016-2018)
3. Vice-Chair, Committee on Labor and Public Employment (2014-2016)
1. 2021 Healthcare Association of Hawaii Senator of the Year Award
2. 2019 People & Hui of the Year
3. 2017 Startup Paradise Champion of the Year