April 29, 2022
Historic Ruling to Restore Kawela Stream Flow
"After over a hundred years of Kawela waters being diverted across the island and wasted,
we finally said enough is enough," said Molokai No Ka Heke member Walter Ritte.
"The big ranching and ag operations are gone, and we couldn’t just sit and watch this
precious water be thrown away."
Click here to view article
April 13, 2022
$6M in funds released for Maui CIP projects in February and March
Maui News reports that Hāna Health will receive $250,000 for "construction of the Hāna Health
Rehabilitation and Support Center. Total project cost is $5,200,000, and the estimated
completion date is December 2023.
$3,000,000 for Ticket Lobby Improvements at Kahului Airport on Maui – to finance the design
of ticket lobby improvements. The estimated date of completion is September 2023."
Click here to read more
April 4, 2022
Ability Awareness Fair 2022 - April 30, 10am-2pm
Maui Independent Living Center presents its annual Ability Awareness Fair,
held at the Queen Ka'ahumanu Shopping Center.
For more information, contact: Nani Watanabe 808.243.4362 or
click here
March 23, 2022
DLNR News Release: Lana'i Mouflon Sheep Special Control Hunt during April
The DLNR Division of Forestry and Wildlife (DOFAW) announced a special 2022 Lana'i Mouflon Sheep control hunt.
Hunting days will be Saturdays and Sundays during the month of April 2022:
April 2-3, April 9-10, April 16-17, April 23-24, 2022.
Please see HRS, Title 13, Chapter 123, "Rules Regulating Game Mammal Hunting" for special conditions and procedures in effect for this hunt.
Click here for the unofficial copy
For additional info:
Lana'i: 808.565.7916
Oahu: 808.587.0166
Hawai'i: 808.974.4221
Kauai: 808.274.3433
Maui: 808.984.8100
Moloka'i: 808.553.1745
March 17, 2022
An overview of the Social Security program; how it works, eligibility & benefits, filing options, the importance of timing,
working while collecting and spousal benefits. This webinar will give you a clearer perspective so you can make the Social Security decision that is right for you.
Presenter : Lisa Arcienega
Date: Thursday, March 24, 2022
Time: 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM
March 7, 2022
Upcoming Public Online Workshops with the Legislative Reference Bureau
The Budget Bill’s Journey – Learn how the State budget is created, the process the budget bill goes through, and how to make sense of the information:
Wednesday, March 16, at 6:00 pm
Floor Sessions & Orders of the Day – An overview of the action that takes place when the House and Senate convene in their chambers:
Wednesday, March 23, at 6:00 pm
Odd Things Happen: Unlikely Scenarios – Every now and then there’s an unusual turn of events in the bill to law process… we’ll look at some examples:
Wednesday, March 30, at 6:00 pm
Please visit the link below to register for these Zoom sessions.
Upcoming Online Workshops
If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact the Legislative Reference Bureau at 808/587-0478 or par@capitol.hawaii.gov
March 3, 2022
Reopening of the Capitol
The Capitol will open fully to the public starting Monday, March 7th. The building will be open
Monday through Friday from 7 am to 5 pm (except holidays). All visitors must enter the Capitol
through the screening stations in the basement or on the rotunda. They must also provide a photo
ID and proof of vaccination/testing status. Face coverings are required in all areas of the Capitol.
February 25, 2022
Water Catchment and Rural Task Force Bills Clear Finance Committee
Representative Clark's efforts to reduce consumer utility costs, provide ways to conserve natural
resources, and expand nursing capacity to increase access to quality healthcare in rural areas of
Hawaii are showing progress!
HB 1635 establishes a rural health task force to increase nurse recruitment and retention on Maui,
Molokai, and Lanai.
HB 1631 creates a refundable tax credit for eligible homeowners who install a catchment system.
These bills are the culmination of resident input and demonstrate Representative Clark's ongoing
commitment to serve the people of District 13 and Hawaii.
Click here to see HB 1635
February 9, 2022
New Kaupō center took ʻlots of alohaʻ to build
"Through the commitment and dedication of our Kaupō community members, much
has been achieved to complete the Kaupō Community Resource Center,” Makalapua
Kanuha, Kaupō Community Association president, testified Tuesday. "It truly
took years of conversations, hearts willing to understand and the spirit of
this community to navigate this canoe to completion.”
The community facility on 2.25 acres of state-owned ag land at 34346 Pi'ilani
Highway was designed by the association for community gatherings, special
events and celebrations. It is also equipped to serve as an emergency shelter.
Kauwila Hanchett, also a part of the association, said members envision the
facility as a place for the community to gather. The membership nonprofit,
which has about 50 to 70 members with direct ties to the Kaupō community, is
still deciding whether the space will be open to visitors or non-Kaupō residents.
"Our goal is to grow as a nonprofit, establish programs and services for our
community and eventually have staff and have somebody manning the center," she said.
Click here to view article
February 4, 2022
NEW!! PUC Online Motor Carrier Violation Complaint Form
The Hawaii PUC has recently launched a new online Motor Carrier Violation complaint form on their PUC website allowing members of the public to submit anonymous tips to their investigative team. These include, but are not limited to, abandoned vehicles, car parts, irregular vehicles and vehicles failing to observe regulatory signs.
To submit a tip or file a complaint, please visit the PUC's website at
http://puc.hawaii.gov/ and click on "Submit a Complaint".
Those without internet access may call the PUC at 808-586-2020 for assistance.
January 21, 2022
How to Submit Remote Testimony to Hawaii State Legislative Committees
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the State Capitol building is closed and in-person
attendance at Senate and House committee hearings is suspended until further notice.
All committee hearings will be conducted virtually using Zoom, and there are many
ways for you to follow the action and participate.
Remote Testimony Instructions
January 21, 2022
Will be mailing a black and white version of this graphic out to the
entire district. If you would like to be added to the mailing list, please email or call our office.
January 11, 2022
COVID Testing Sites
Please see the following link for opportunities to get tested in our district.
November 4, 2021
Mark Your Calendars: Tuesday, November 16
Inviting all District 13 residents (from East Maui, Molokai, and Lanai) to our virtual talk story session / town hall meeting!
Please register at the following link: https://senate-capitol-hawaii-gov.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYod-iprjoqHtCf3lzy3QLUy-OIaTfiRcQG
Only registered guests will be allowed into the Zoom meeting.
October 22, 2021
District 13 Survey
Please click the link above for the survey or scan QR code with your phone camera.
The goal is so that I can educate myself, align my positions with my constituents,
and truly be your "representative." This is an anonymous survey including 5 open-ended
questions. If you would like for my office to reach out for a phone conversation or
meeting, please feel free to include your contact info in the last question.
October 5, 2021
Interested in Grant Money for Your Farm?
Applications for Agricultural Micro Grant Program available
Up to $25,000 in grants to Maui County small farmers and administered by Maui
Economic Opportunity! The $1.5 million Maui County-funded program is open to
operating farms on less than 12 acres possessing a county business or state
general excise license as of July 1, 2021. Preference will be given to women
and Native Hawaiians. The grants may be used to directly impact the availability
of locally grown produce, livestock and poultry and other related products.
Application window: Oct. 14 to Dec. 14, 2021
Grant money can be used for:
- Farming equipment and machinery.
- Processing and storage equipment.
- Farm infrastructure, expansion and upgrades.
- Inventory and supplies.
- Packaging and packaging materials.
- Technology equipment.
The following documentation is required:
- Completed application.
- Farm needs statement.
- Copy of original General Excise Tax License, G-45 or G-49.
- Photo ID.
- 2020 State Tax Return Form N-11 (proof of residency)
How to apply?
- On the MEO website: https://www.meoinc.org/agricultural-micro-grant-program/
- In-person at MEO’s Wailuku office, 99 Mahalani St.
For more information, contact the MEO Business Development Center by phone at
(808) 249-2990 or by email at bdcinfo@meoinc.org.
A similar agriculture microgrant program, funded by Maui County and operated
by MEO's BDC in fall 2020 into spring 2021, funded more than 100 small farmers.
About Maui Economic Opportunity
Maui Economic Opportunity, Inc., is a nonprofit agency that’s part of the national
Community Action Partnership network, whose goal is to help low income individuals
and families and disenfranchised people help themselves and transform their lives.
Chartered in 1965, MEO offers more than 40 programs that assist low income people,
kupuna, youths, persons with disabilities, immigrants and other disenfranchised
individuals. MEO runs the Human Services transportation program and the Maui Bus
paratransit system and Head Start preschools, as well as programs that offer kupuna
socialization and information; rent, mortgage and utility assistance; Spanish
interpretation and translation; entrepreneurial and financial basics; inmate
reintegration into the community after release; and youth anti-drinking, -bullying
and -suicide prevention. For more information about the entire array of programs,
visit meoinc.org or call (808) 249-2990.
Katie Romanchuk of Ohialani Gardens in Haiku drives a new Kubota backhoe that was
purchased with a Maui County micro agricultural grant, administered by Maui Economic
Opportunity. Agricultural Micro Grant Program 2.0 has begun accepting applications for
a new round of farm grants.
October 5, 2021
September 16, 2021
Attention Hana Residents! Zoom Meeting on Sept. 21st and 22nd