Honolulu, Hawaii

                , 2021


RE:   S.B. No. 830

      S.D. 2





Honorable Scott K. Saiki

Speaker, House of Representatives

Thirty-First State Legislature

Regular Session of 2021

State of Hawaii




     Your Committee on Labor & Tourism, to which was referred S.B. No. 830, S.D. 2, entitled:




begs leave to report as follows:


     The purpose of this measure is to:


     (1)  Direct the Department of Human Resources Development to convene a working group to:


          (A)  Review and make recommendations on policies and procedures relating to telework and alternative work schedules to address the caregiving responsibilities and other needs of state employees; and


          (B)  Submit a report of its findings and recommendations, including any proposed legislation and specific budget requests, to the Legislature no later than twenty days prior to the convening of the Regular Session of 2022; and


     (2)  Require all state departments to adopt, implement, and update emergency telework policies in conformity with the interim guidance issued by the Department of Human Resources Development, which will remain in effect until the expiration of the last COVID-19 proclamation by the Governor, or adoption of the telework and alternative work schedule policies and procedures, whichever occurs first.


     Your Committee received testimony in support of this measure from the Department of Human Resources Development, Office of Planning, Department of Education, Department of Transportation, Hawaii State Commission on the Status of Women, American Association of University Women of Hawaii, Hawaii Children's Action Network Speaks!, Hawaii State Teachers Association, Hawaii State Coalition Against Domestic Violence, and six individuals.  Your Committee received comments on this measure from the Hawaii Government Employees Association, AFSCME Local 152, AFL-CIO.


     Your Committee finds that the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has caused disruptions to the child care and education system, requiring women to function simultaneously as employee and caregiver and profoundly impacting their ability to support themselves and their families.  Your Committee further finds that since 2010, the Department of Human Resources Development has had memoranda of understanding with the Hawaii Government Employees Association that allow for teleworking and alternative work weeks.  However, these memoranda do not authorize primary care during work hours for a child, the elderly, an ill or disabled person, or a person who requires significant care as a valid reason to telework.


Your Committee further finds that many employers are allowing their employees to telework because of the ongoing caregiving challenge.  This measure will promote telework and alternative work schedule policies to include caregiving as a means to address these issues.


     As affirmed by the record of votes of the members of your Committee on Labor & Tourism that is attached to this report, your Committee is in accord with the intent and purpose of S.B. No. 830, S.D. 2, and recommends that it pass Second Reading and be referred to your Committee on Judiciary & Hawaiian Affairs.



Respectfully submitted on behalf of the members of the Committee on Labor & Tourism,




