S.B. NO.



















     SECTION 1.  Chapter 302A, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by adding a new section to part III, subpart F to be appropriately designated and to read as follows:

     "§302A-     Youth suicide awareness and prevention protocol.  (a)  The board, in consultation with the department of health and the department of human services, shall develop a youth suicide awareness and prevention training program and a model risk referral protocol for complex areas and charter schools, which shall be provided to their respective school personnel, including teachers, teacher assistants, cafeteria workers, janitorial staff, athletic coaches, administrators, administrative assistants, school safety resource officers, school nurses, counselors, and other personnel who work directly with students in kindergarten through grade twelve.  The training program shall consist of at least two hours of evidence-informed instruction to increase awareness of suicide, identification of risk factors and signs, and information for student referral for suicide prevention resources and support.  The model risk referral protocol shall provide guidelines to complex areas and charter schools on identification of at-risk students, suicide prevention procedures, and referral sources.  The training program and model risk referral protocol shall be periodically reviewed and updated as necessary.

     (b)  Each complex area shall provide to each department school under the authority of the complex area, the training program and model risk referral protocol developed by the board under subsection (a) or a locally developed plan that meets the requirements of subsection (c) to department school personnel who work directly with students in kindergarten through grade twelve.  The training program shall be provided at no cost to those personnel.  All department school personnel who work directly with students in kindergarten through grade twelve shall receive and complete the training on an annual basis.  The training may be offered in various formats, including electronically, through videoconferencing, or through an individual program of study of designated materials consisting of at least two hours of instruction.

     (c)  A complex area may comply with the training and protocol requirements of this section by developing a complex area plan that, at a minimum, includes:

     (1)  Conveying information on State and national data on suicide deaths and attempts, suicide methods, and at-risk populations;

     (2)  Myths and attitudes about suicide;

     (3)  Warning signs and symptoms for suicide;

     (4)  Identification of at-risk students and steps for referring students to support services;

     (5)  Protective factors for prevention of suicide;

     (6)  Safe messaging to children; and

     (7)  Protocols for implementation and mandatory training that, at a minimum, include:

          (A)  A plan to include specialized training for student support personnel, including administrators, school nurses, counselors, social workers, and psychologists;

          (B)  A safety plan for the school in the event of:

              (i)  Identification of a student as being at-risk of suicide, including a student help plan and immediate assistance; and

             (ii)  A suicide death or suicide attempt by a student enrolled in the school, including a care plan for peers and school personnel;

          (C)  The designation of one or more school personnel as the school suicide prevention responders for each department school;

          (D)  A plan for communication with a parent or legal guardian of a student identified as at-risk, including safe transfer of the student to the parent or legal guardian; and

          (E)  A plan for post-intervention for a student who has been identified as at-risk or has attempted suicide, including reentry into the classroom.

     (d)  By September 15 of each year, each complex area shall report to the department on prior school year compliance with the mandatory training requirements and prevention activities required by this section.

     (e)  Neither the department nor any of its agencies, boards, members, personnel, designees, agents, or volunteers, shall be liable in civil damages to any party for any act or omission of an act relating to the provision of, participation in, or implementation of the components of the training program or protocol required by this section unless that act or omission amounts to gross negligence, wanton conduct, or intentional wrongdoing.

     (f)  For the purposes of this section, "personnel" shall include employees and contracted workers.

     (g)  The board may adopt rules pursuant to chapter 91 to include and require contracted workers to participate in and comply with the suicide awareness and prevention training program and risk referral protocol requirements under this section and section 302D-   ."

     SECTION 2.  Chapter 302D, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by adding a new section to be appropriately designated and to read as follows:

     "§302D-     Youth suicide awareness and prevention protocol.  (a)  Each charter school shall provide a youth suicide awareness and prevention training program and risk referral protocol to school personnel who work directly with students in kindergarten through grade twelve on an annual basis in accordance with section 302A-   .

     (b)  By September 15 of each year, each charter school shall report to the department on prior school year compliance with the mandatory training requirements and prevention activities required by this section.

     (c)  Neither the department nor any of its agencies, boards, members, personnel, designees, agents, or volunteers, shall be liable in civil damages to any party for any act or omission of an act relating to the provision of, participation in, or implementation of the components of the training program or protocol required by this section unless that act or omission amounts to gross negligence, wanton conduct, or intentional wrongdoing.

     (d)  For the purposes of this section, "personnel" shall include employees and contracted workers."

     SECTION 3.  New statutory material is underscored.

     SECTION 4.  This Act shall take effect upon its approval, and shall apply beginning with the 2019-2020 school year.








Report Title:

BOE; Schools; Youth Suicide Prevention



Requires the Board of Education to establish and implement youth suicide awareness and prevention training programs and risk referral protocols in public schools, including charter schools.




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