News from the State House of Representatives

CONTACT: Rep. Noboru Yonamine
Telephone: 586-6520

EMBARGO DATE: December 14, 1999
LOCATION: Honolulu, Hawaii


The State House of Representatives is co-sponsoring a workshop titled, "The Art of Effective Lobbying," on Saturday, January 8, 2000, in the State Capitol Auditorium from 8:30 a.m. to 12 noon.

The free workshop will feature legislators and lobbyists providing tips and techniques on how to influence the outcome of legislation.

"Effective lobbying begins with understanding the governmental process and the people involved in that process each step of the way," said State Rep. Nobu Yonamine, who is involved in the planning of the workshop.

"The House wants more people to get involved in the legislative process and this is one way to encourage that," Yonamine said.

Following the workshop, there will be a free guided tour of the Public Access Room at the State Capitol.

The Hawaii Community Services Council and the National Association of Social Workers are the workshop's other co-sponsors.

The deadline for reservations is January 3, 2000. Reservations are being taken at (808) 586-6520 during business hours.