SECTION 4.  Part III, Act 91, Session Laws of Hawaii 1999,
is amended:
   (1)  By amending section 4 to read as follows:
   "SECTION 4.  Provided that for tourism (BED 113), the
convention center authority shall submit a detailed progress
report on the implementation of the action plan to minimize the
operational shortfalls of the Hawaii convention center and the
resulting deficits in the convention center operations special
fund; and provided further that this report shall be submitted to
the legislature no later than twenty days prior to the convening
of the [2000] 2001 regular session."
   (2)  By adding a new section to read as follows:
   "SECTION 4.1.  The Governor is authorized to transfer
general fund savings as may be available from the appropriated
funds of any program in this Act to tourism (BED 113) for the
operation and events at the Hawaii convention center; provided
further that the total amount transferred shall not exceed
$14,500,000; and provided further that five existing convention
center authority staff (position numbers 25324, 25325, 25326,
25327, 25383) shall be retained in (BED 113) without the loss of
salary, seniority, prior service credit, accrued vacation, sick
leave, or other prior employee benefits or privileges and without
the necessity of examination."
   (3)  By adding a new section to read as follows:
   "SECTION 5.1.  Provided that of the general fund
appropriation for forestry - products development (LNR 172), the
sum of $150,000 for fiscal year 2000-2001 shall be expended for
the state match for Hawaii forestry communities initiative."
   (4)  By adding a new section to read as follows:
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   "SECTION 5.2.  Provided that of the general fund
appropriation for agricultural resource management (AGR 141), the
sum of $107,400 for fiscal year 2000-2001 shall be deposited into
the irrigation system revolving fund to be expended for purposes
of the fund."
   (5)  By adding a new section to read as follows:
   "SECTION 6.1.  Provided that of the general fund
appropriation for agriculture (AGR 192), up to $20,000 for fiscal
year 2000-2001 shall be expended by the department of agriculture
for the purposes of developing the composition, role and costs of
an agricultural lands commission to identify mechanisms by which
to fulfill the intent and purpose of Article XI, section 3, of
the Hawaii State Constitution, which seeks to conserve and
protect agricultural lands and promote diversified agriculture
and agricultural self-sufficiency; analyze agricultural land use
issues and assess funding for costs that would be incurred by the
commission and other agencies in carrying out duties, including
public meetings and hearings."
   (6)  By adding a new section to read as follows:
   "SECTION 16.1.  Provided that of the general fund
appropriation for forests and wildlife resources (LNR 402), the
sum of $500,000 for fiscal year 2000-2001 shall be expended for
miconia eradication."
   (7)  By adding a new section to read as follows:
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   "SECTION 16.2.  Provided that of the general and special
fund appropriations for conservation and resources enforcement
(LNR 405), no state funds shall be expended during the period
January 1, 2001, to June 30, 2001, for "operation green harvest"
or other marijuana eradication programs that involve the use of
helicopters unless the board of land and natural resources holds
a public hearing on the island of Hawaii and adopts procedures
for the use of the helicopters that address the concerns of those
living in the areas over which the helicopters fly."
   (8)  By adding a new section to read as follows:
   "SECTION 16.3.  Provided that of the general fund
appropriation for the natural physical environment (LNR 906), the
sum of $75,000 for fiscal year 2000-2001 shall be expended for
the purpose of the youth conservation corps program on the
islands of Maui, Hawaii, and Kauai."
   (9)  By adding a new section to read as follows:
   "SECTION 17.1.  Provided that STD/AIDS prevention services
(HTH 121) shall maintain a general funding level of $5,552,608
for fiscal year 2000-2001; which is necessary to preserve the
Ryan White federal grant funding, and preserve funding for
Neighbor Island operations; provided further that the sum shall
be used exclusively for this purpose, and shall not be
transferred or used for any other purposes; and provided further
that the department shall submit a report on all expenditures to
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the legislature no later than twenty days prior to the convening
of the regular session of 2001."
   (10)  By adding a new section to read as follows:
   "SECTION 18.1.  Provided that of the general fund
appropriation for developmental disabilities (HTH 501), the sum
of $4,277,900 for fiscal year 2000-2001 shall be expended for
matching funds for the title XIX medicaid home and community-
based waiver program; and provided further that these funds shall
be utilized to decrease the waiver program's waitlist in
conformance with a settlement proposal for the Makin v. State of
Hawaii lawsuit."
   (11)  By amending section 20 to read as follows:
   "SECTION 20.  Provided that of the general fund
appropriation for health resources administration (HTH 595), [not
less than] the sum of $500,000 for fiscal year 1999-2000 and [not
less than] the sum of [$500,000] $1,300,000 for fiscal year 2000-
2001 shall be expended for purchase of service primary health
care services for the medically uninsured or in health care
shortage areas."
   (12)  By amending section 21 to read as follows:
   "SECTION 21.  Provided that of the special fund
appropriation for Hawaii health systems corporation (HTH 210),
[not less than] the sum of $500,000 for fiscal year 1999-2000 and
[not less than] the sum of $500,000 for fiscal year 2000-2001
shall be expended for worker's compensation liabilities."
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   (13)  By adding a new section to read as follows:
   "SECTION 21.1.  Provided that the legislative auditor shall
conduct a follow-up study on the Hawaii health systems
corporation (HTH 210); provided further that this study shall
include, but not be limited to, an analysis of information
systems operation, procurement practices, cash collections, the
maximization of accounts receivables, and the effect of Act 229,
Session Laws of Hawaii 1998, on personnel management; and
provided further that the office of the auditor shall provide
this report to the legislature no later than twenty days prior to
the convening of the 2001 regular session." 
   (14)  By adding a new section to read as follows:
   "SECTION 21.2.  Provided that the Hawaii health systems
corporation (HTH 210) shall submit a report concerning all
critical access hospitals within the public hospital system;
provided further that the report shall include, but not be
limited to, the following:
   1)   an expenditure report per hospital detailing the cost
       of critical access hospital certification, including,
       but not limited to, capital improvements projects,
       staffing needs, and state matching funds for Medicaid;
   2)   an analysis per hospital of all changes in bed space
       necessary for critical access hospital certification;
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   3)   a comparison per hospital between current profit
       margins and profit margins after critical access
and provided further that the report shall be submitted to the
legislature no later than twenty days prior to the convening of
the 2001 regular session."
   (15)  By adding a new section to read as follows:
   "SECTION 21.3.  Provided that of the general fund
appropriation for private hospitals and medical services (SUB
601), the sum of $2,535,000 for fiscal year 2000-2001 shall be
expended for subsidies for the following:
                                         FY 2000-2001
   Hana health center                        $750,000
   Molokai general hospital                  $700,000
   Waianae district comprehensive health     $735,000
   Kahuku hospital                           $350,000;
and provided further that any funds not expended for these
purposes shall be lapsed to the general fund."
   (16)  By adding a new section to read as follows:
   "SECTION 21.4.  Provided that of the general fund
appropriation for adult mental health-outpatient (HTH 420), the
sum of $2,192,732 for fiscal year 2000-2001 shall be expended on
a psychosocial rehabilitation program to satisfy the stipulations
and orders of the Hawaii state hospital department of justice
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settlement agreement that requires enhanced psychosocial
programming at the Hawaii state hospital."
   (17)  By adding a new section to read as follows:
   "SECTION 21.5.  Provided that the department of health shall
prepare and submit quarterly expenditure reports concerning the
purchase of community-based adult mental health services for
adult mental health-outpatient (HTH 420); provided further that
the report shall include, but not be limited to, the following
   1)   the number of discharged and diverted patients entering
       the system by month;
   2)   the amount of funds expended by type of service;
   3)   the amount of funds expended by provider; and
   4)   an assessment of the available capacity for these
       services in the community;
and provided further that the report shall be submitted to the
legislature forty-five days after the end of each quarter during
fiscal year 2000-2001."
   (18)  By adding a new section to read as follows:
   "SECTION 21.6.  Provided that of the general fund
appropriation for adult mental health-outpatient (HTH 420), the
sum of $19,157,913 for fiscal year 2000-2001 shall be expended to
satisfy the requirements of the department of justice settlement
agreement; and provided further that no positions or funds
appropriated to adult mental health-outpatient (HTH 420) shall be
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expended for any other purpose than the provision of services to
discharged and diverted patients of the Hawaii state hospital."
   (19)  By adding a new section to read as follows:
   "SECTION 21.7.  Provided that the department of health shall
prepare and submit quarterly reports concerning the transition of
the Hawaii state hospital in adult mental health-inpatient (HTH
430) to a secure psychiatric rehabilitation facility; provided
further that the report shall include, but not be limited to, the
following information:
   1)   the number of patients discharged and admitted to the
       facility by month;
   2)   all personnel changes that occur as a result of any
       downsizing of HSH and the change in direct service
       staffing ratio; and
   3)   assessments of the state's efforts to comply with the
       department of justice settlement agreement
       stipulations, orders, and benchmarks of the Hawaii
       State Hospital Clinical/Organization Plan;
and provided further that the report shall be submitted to the
legislature thirty days after the end of each quarter during
fiscal year 2000-2001."
   (20) By adding a new section to read as follows:
   "SECTION 24.1.  Provided that of the supplemental
appropriation for service to emotionally disturbed children and
adolescents for (HTH 460 and HTH 495) shall be used exclusively
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for services to emotionally disturbed children and adolescents;
provided further that the sum shall be used exclusively for this
purpose and shall not be transferred or used for any other
purpose; provided further that not less than five percent and not
more than ten percent of any funds to be expended for new
initiatives or programs shall be set aside for process and
outcome evaluations to be conducted by any agency or agencies
external to the department of health; provided further that the
evaluations shall be submitted to the legislature at least twenty
days prior to the convening of the regular session of 2001;
provided further that the auditor shall assist the legislature in
assessing the evaluation reports as well as in overseeing the
effectiveness and efficiency for the adult mental health program;
and provided further that the auditor may request progress
reports from the department of health from time to time."
   (21)  By adding a new section to read as follows:
   "SECTION 28.1.  Provided that the department of human
services shall use sixty per cent of the most recent available
profile of the customary fees of health care practitioners,
adjusted to the seventy-fifth percentile within the limits of
this appropriation, in establishing fees for individual
practitioners for health care payments (HMS 230), in fiscal year
1999-2000 and in fiscal year 2000-2001."
   (22)  By adding a new section to read as follows:
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   "SECTION 28.2.  Provided that of the general fund
appropriation for general support for health care payments
(HMS 230), the sum of $200,000 for fiscal year 2000-2001 shall be
expended to begin the process of planning, designing and
developing an acuity-based managed long term care program as
phase III of the Hawaii QUEST program; provided further that
funds expended shall be used to start the process of planning,
designing and developing a new medicaid reimbursement system to
comply with section 346D-1.5, HRS to require medicaid
reimbursement for institutionalized skilled nursing facilities
based solely on the level of care rather than the location;
provided further that in as much as devising a medicaid acuity-
based institutional long term care reimbursement system is part
of the solution that addresses the need for the integration of
the continuum of care and cost effectiveness, the department of
human services shall pursue a more complete and permanent
solution; and provided further that the department of human
services shall submit a status report to the legislature no later
than twenty days prior to the convening of the 2001 regular
   (23)  By adding a new section to read as follows:
   "SECTION 32.1.  Provided that of the general fund
appropriation for school-based budgeting (EDN 100), not less than
the sum of $7,636,306 for fiscal year 1999-2000 and not less than
the sum of $10,636,306 for fiscal year 2000-2001 shall be
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expended for elementary and secondary funds of the school
priority fund; provided further that the department of education
shall prepare a report which shall include, but not be limited
to, the following information:
   1)   allocation of funds made to each school; and
   2)   school-by-school detailed accounting of the expenditure
       of these funds to include type, purpose, and amount of
       the expenditure;
and provided further that the department of education shall
submit this report to the legislature no later than twenty days
prior to the convening of the 2001 regular session."
   (24)  By adding a new section to read as follows:
   "SECTION 32.2.  Provided that of the general fund
appropriation for school-based budgeting (EDN 100), the sum of
$2,590,731 for fiscal year 2000-2001 shall be expended for the
purpose of allocating regular education teachers in order to
reduce the student-teacher ratio for kindergarten, grade 1, and
grade 2 from the current 21 students per teacher to 20 students
per teacher."
   (25)  By adding a new section to read as follows:
   "SECTION 32.3.  Provided that of the general fund
appropriation for school-based budgeting (EDN 100), the following
sums for fiscal year 2000-2001 shall be expended for the Hawaiian
language immersion program as follows:
   1.0 education specialist positions     $58,010
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   3.0 resource teacher positions         $94,209
   student transportation                 $83,572;
and provided further that the sum of $94,209 shall be expended
for 3.0 resource teacher positions for the Hawaiian studies
   (26) By amending section 34 to read as follows:
   "SECTION 34.  Provided that of the general fund
appropriation for comprehensive school support services (EDN
150), the sum of $143,048,713 for fiscal year 1999-2000 and
$156,589,587 for fiscal year 2000-2001 shall be distributed on a
pro-rata basis to each school district to provide instructional
and program support to Individuals with Disabilities Education
Act (IDEA) students; provided further that based on the projected
IDEA student enrollment of 22,400 in fiscal year 1999-2000, the
per pupil costs distributed to each district shall be not less
than $5,018 and based on the projected IDEA student enrollment of
23,000 in fiscal year 2000-2001, the per pupil costs distributed
to each district shall be not less than $5,330; [and] provided
further that funds in addition to the pro-rata share shall be
provided for children that require private school placement or
services that may exceed the pro-rata cost[.]; provided further
that the department of education shall submit a detailed report
on the distributions made to each district; and provided further
that this report shall be submitted to the legislature no later
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than twenty days prior to the convening of the regular session of
   (27)  By adding a new section to read as follows:
   "SECTION 34.1.  Provided that the department of education is
authorized to establish two (2.0) full-time equivalent permanent
neurotraining therapist positions for the special education
program in comprehensive student support services (EDN 150);
provided further that incumbent employees of the two temporary
neurotraining therapist positions currently being funded with
federal fund appropriations shall be granted permanent status in
these positions without the loss of salary, seniority, prior
service credit, accrued vacation, sick leave, or other prior
employee benefits or privileges and without the necessity of
examination; and provided further that such employees possess the
minimum qualifications for the position to which appointed."
   (28)  By adding a new section to read as follows:
   "SECTION 34.2.  Provided that of the general fund
appropriation for public libraries (EDN 407), not less than the
sum of $1,250,000 for fiscal year 2000-2001 shall be expended for
the purpose of purchasing library books and materials for all
state public libraries."
   (29)  By adding a new section to read as follows:
   "SECTION 36.1.  Provided that of the general fund
appropriation for school-based budgeting (EDN 100), the sum of
$94,348,402 for fiscal year 2000-2001 shall be transferred to
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                                                        C.D. 1
program planning, analysis and budgeting (BUF 101) of the
department of budget and finance to pay for health fund benefits
for department of education employees; and provided further that
the funds shall be transferred no later than July 16, 2000."
   (30)  By adding a new section to read as follows:
   "SECTION 36.2.  Provided that of the general fund
appropriation for school-based budgeting (EDN 100), the sum of
$87,067,527 for fiscal year 2000-2001 shall be transferred to
financial administration (BUF 115) of the department of budget
and finance to pay for debt service on general obligation bonds
issued for department of education projects; and provided further
that the funds shall be transferred no later than July 16, 2000."
   (31)  By adding a new section to read as follows:
   "SECTION 36.3.  Provided that of the general fund
appropriation for school-based budgeting (EDN 100), the sums of
$2,465,525 and $47,719,871 for fiscal year 2000-2001 shall be
transferred to retirement (BUF 141) of the department of budget
and finance to pay for pension accumulation contributions and
social security/medicare contributions, respectively, for
department of education employees; and provided further that the
funds shall be transferred no later than July 16, 2000."
   (32) By adding a new section to read as follows:
   "SECTION 36.4.  Provided that of the general fund
appropriation for University of Hawaii, Manoa (UOH 100), the sum
of $225,000 for fiscal year 2000-2001 shall be expended for the
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purpose of establishing and operating a natural heritage data and
training center at the University of Hawaii center for
conservation research and training."
   (33)  By adding a new section to read as follows:
   "SECTION 36.5.  Provided that of the general fund
appropriation for the university of Hawaii, Manoa (UOH 100), the
sum of $3,000,000 for fiscal year 2000-2001 shall be expended for
the following programs:
   Program                                FY 2000-2001
   College of engineering                 $ 1,000,000
   John A. Burns school of medicine       $ 1,000,000
   College of business administration     $ 1,000,000;
and provided further that funds may be used to leverage matching
funds from the federal government and/or the private sector."
   (34) By adding a new section to read as follows:
   "SECTION 36.6.  Provided that of the general fund
appropriation for University of Hawaii, Hilo (UOH 210), the sum
of $431,192 for fiscal year 2000-2001 shall be expended to
strengthen high technology workforce training, marine science,
and astronomy."
   (35)  By amending section 37 to read as follows:
   "SECTION 37.  Provided that of the general fund
appropriation for small business development (UOH 220), the sum
of $390,000 for fiscal year 1999-2000 and the sum of [$390,000]
$650,000 for fiscal year 2000-2001 shall be used as a state match
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for federal funds to operate the small business development
center and business research library."
   (36)  By adding a new section to read as follows:
   "SECTION 37.1.  Provided that of the general fund
appropriation for the university of Hawaii, community colleges
(UOH 800), the sum of $1,000,000 for fiscal year 2000-2001 shall
be expended for the pacific center for advanced technology
training; and provided further that funds may be used to leverage
matching funds from the private sector."
   (37)  By adding a new section to read as follows:
   "SECTION 38.1.  Provided that of the general fund
appropriation for systemwide support (UOH 900), the sum of
$34,090,057 for fiscal year 2000-2001 shall be transferred to
program planning, analysis and budgeting (BUF 101) of the
department of budget and finance to pay for health fund benefits
for university of Hawaii employees; and provided further that the
funds shall be transferred no later than July 16, 2000."
   (38)  By adding a new section to read as follows:
   "SECTION 38.2.  Provided that of the general fund
appropriation for systemwide support (UOH 900), the sum of
$48,235,880 for fiscal year 2000-2001 shall be transferred to
financial administration (BUF 115) of the department of budget
and finance to pay for debt service on general obligation bonds
issued for university of Hawaii projects; and provided further
that the funds shall be transferred no later than July 16, 2000."
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   (39)  By adding a new section to read as follows:
   "SECTION 38.3.  Provided that of the general fund
appropriation for systemwide support (UOH 900), the sums of
$1,043,481 and $18,440,758 for fiscal year 2000-2001 shall be
transferred to retirement (BUF 141) of the department of budget
and finance to pay for pension accumulation contributions and
social security/medicare contributions, respectively, for
university of Hawaii employees; and provided further that the
funds shall be transferred no later than July 16, 2000."
   (40)  By adding a new section to read as follows:
   "SECTION 39.1.  Provided that of the general fund
appropriation for Oahu community correctional center (PSD 407),
the sum of $152,290 for fiscal year 2000-2001 shall be provided
for three community service worklines and one fifteen passenger
van; provided further that the release of the funds necessary for
each workline is contingent on the availability of one vehicle
for each workline; provided further that PSD is responsible for
acquiring the two additional vehicles either through internal re-
allocation or through memoranda of agreement with other
   (41) By amending section 44 to read as follows:
   "SECTION 44.  Provided that of the general fund
appropriation for the amelioration of physical disasters program
(DEF 110), the sum of $600,000 for fiscal year 1999-2000 and the
sum of [$600,000] $597,000 for fiscal year 2000-2001 shall be
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expended exclusively for relief from major disasters pursuant to
chapter 127-11, Hawaii Revised Statutes."
   (42) By adding a new section to read as follows:
   "SECTION 44.1.  Provided that of the special fund
appropriation for cable television (CCA 102), the sum of $225,000
for fiscal year 2000-2001 shall be expended to continue the
deployment of the institutional network facilities; provided
further that funds expended shall include, but not be limited to,
fiber connectivity, equipment, and Internet access for the public
library system."
   (43) By adding a new section to read as follows:
   "SECTION 45.1.  Provided that of the special fund
appropriation for conveyances and recordings (LNR 111), the sum
of $215,356 for fiscal year 2000-2001 shall be expended for
administrative assessment and central services costs; provided
further that the sum of $842,823 for fiscal year 2000-2001 shall
be expended for modernization of the program; and provided
further that expenditures for modernization are non-recurring
   (44)  By repealing section 49.
   ["SECTION 49.  Provided that of the general fund
appropriation for Office of the Governor (GOV 100), the sum of
$100,000 for fiscal year 1999-2000 and the sum of $100,000 for
fiscal year 2000-2001 shall be expended for the purpose of
retaining the services of an independent consultant to assess the
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delivery of children's mental health services and make
recommendations as to how these services may be provided through
the least restrictive means available without jeopardizing the
quality of services; provided further that the consultant shall
develop an objective assessment mechanism to appropriately
identify individuals who qualify as members of the Felix Consent
Decree class and to control the scope of services which are
included in or prescribed by the individual education plan;
provided further that the recommendations of the consultant shall
be implemented by the Felix Consent Decree Operational Manager in
coordination with the Department of Education and the Department
of Health; provided further that the Felix Consent Decree
Operational Manager shall submit reports on the independent
consultant's assessment and recommendations and on the
Operational Manager's progress in implementing those
recommendations; provided further that these reports shall be
submitted to the legislature no later than twenty days prior to
the convening of the 2000 and 2001 regular sessions; and provided
further that any funds not expended for this purpose shall be
lapsed to the general fund."]
   (45) By adding a new section to read as follows:
   "SECTION 50.1.  Provided that of the general fund
appropriation for statewide planning and coordination (BED 144),
the sum of $78,984 and one position (#25567) shall be transferred
to support services-human resources development (HRD 191);
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provided further that position (#25567) shall be granted
permanent status in this position without the loss of salary,
seniority, prior service credit, accrued vacation, sick leave, or
other prior employee benefits or privileges and without the
necessity of examination; and provided further that said employee
possess the minimum qualifications for the position to which
   (46)  By amending section 51 to read as follows:
   "SECTION 51.  [Provided that of the general fund
appropriation for program planning, analysis and budgeting (BUF
101), the sum of $214,279,464 for fiscal year 1999-2000 and the
sum of $234,505,137 for fiscal year 2000-2001 shall be expended
for health fund premiums for actives and retirees;] Provided that
the following sums appropriated or authorized for program
planning, analysis and budgeting (BUF 101) shall be expended for
health fund premiums for actives and retirees, from the sources
of funding indicated below:
                               FY 1999-2000   FY 2000-2001
   General fund                 $214,279,464   $103,470,931
   Interdepartmental transfers                 $128,438,459;
provided further that funds shall not be expended for any other
purpose; provided further that any unexpended funds shall lapse
to the general fund; and provided further that the department of
budget and finance shall submit a report of all expenditures to
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the legislature no later than twenty days prior to the convening
of the [2000 and] 2001 regular [sessions] session."
   (47)  By adding a new section to read as follows:
   "SECTION 53.1.  Provided that of the general fund
appropriation for the office of elections (LTG 102), the sum of
$842,329 for fiscal year 2000-2001 shall be expended for the
expenses of the reapportionment commission to convene in 2001."
   (48)  By amending section 55 to read as follows:
   "SECTION 55.  Provided that of the general fund
appropriation for financial administration (BUF 115), the sum of
$2,511,579 for fiscal year 1999-2000 [and the sum of $2,511,579
for fiscal year 2000-2001] shall be expended to meet the
requirements of the uniform disposition of unclaimed property
program pursuant to chapter 523A, Hawaii Revised Statutes;
provided further that funds shall not be expended for any other
purpose; provided further that any unexpended funds shall be
lapsed to the general fund; and provided further that the
department of budget and finance shall submit a report of the
number and total amount of deposits of all unclaimed property
into the general fund and the number and total amount of
expenditures to the legislature no later than twenty days prior
to the convening of the 2000 [and 2001] regular [sessions]
   (49)  By amending section 56 to read as follows:
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   "SECTION 56.  [Provided that of the general fund
appropriation for financial administration (BUF 115) the sum of
$378,949,913 for fiscal year 1999-2000 and the sum of
$398,999,648 for fiscal year 2000-2001 shall be expended for
interest and principal on general obligation bonds;]  Provided
that the following sums appropriated or authorized for financial
administration (BUF 115) shall be expended for interest and
principal on general obligation bonds, from the sources of
funding indicated below:
                               FY 1999-2000   FY 2000-2001
  General fund                  $378,949,913   $252,039,650
  Interdepartmental transfers                  $135,303,407;
provided further that funds shall not be expended for any other
purpose; provided further that any unexpended funds shall lapse
to the general fund; and provided further that the department of
budget and finance shall submit a report of all expenditures to
the legislature no later than twenty days prior to the convening
of the [2000 and] 2001 regular [sessions] session."
   (50) By adding a new section to read as follows:
   "SECTION 59.1.  Provided that the department of the attorney
general shall submit a report concerning all trust funds within
legal services (ATG 100) for the period July 1, 1996, to November
30 2000, including, but not limited, to the following:
   (1) The source and amount of all revenue for each trust fund;
   (2) The limitations on the use of moneys in each trust fund;
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   (3) Detailed accounts of all expenditures from each trust
   (4) The purpose of all expenditures from each trust fund; and 
   (5) The source of revenue for each expenditure from each
      trust fund;
and provided further that the report shall be submitted to the
legislature no later than twenty days prior to the convening of
the regular session of 2001."
   (51)  By amending section 60 to read as follows:
   "SECTION 60.  Provided that of the general fund
appropriation for work force attraction, selection,
classification and effectiveness (HRD 102), the sum of $4,993,726
for fiscal year 1999-2000 and the sum of [$4,993,726] $4,933,726
for fiscal year 2000-2001 shall be expended for workers'
compensation claims; and provided further that the department of
human resources development shall submit a detailed report of all
expenditures and number of claims for workers' compensation claim
payments to the legislature no later than twenty days prior to
the convening of the [2000 and] 2001 regular [sessions] session."
   (52)  By amending section 61 to read as follows:
   "SECTION 61.  Provided that of the general fund
appropriation for work force attraction, selection,
classification and effectiveness (HRD 102), the sum of $2,631,049
for fiscal year 1999-2000 and the sum of [$2,631,049] $2,221,620
for fiscal year 2000-2001 shall be expended for unemployment
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compensation claims of former state employees; provided further
[than] that any unrequired and unencumbered funds shall be lapsed
to the general fund; and provided further that the department of
human resources development shall submit a detailed report of all
expenditures and number of claims for unemployment compensation
claim payments to the legislature no later than twenty days prior
to the convening of the [2000 and] 2001 regular [sessions]
   (53)  By amending section 62 to read as follows:
   "SECTION 62.  Provided that of the general fund
appropriation for retirement (BUF 141), the sum of $106,425,888
for fiscal year 1999-2000 and the sum of [$162,111,766]
$57,657,465 for fiscal year 2000-2001 shall be expended only for
the following purposes:
Purpose                           FY 1999-2000   FY 2000-2001
Pension accumulation            $  3,663,760     [$57,790,720]
Social Security/medicare
   Contributions              $102,792,128    [$104,321,046;]
                                              $ 38,160,417;
provided further that any unexpended funds shall lapse to the
general fund; and provided further that the department of budget
and finance shall submit a report of all expenditures to the
legislature no later than twenty days prior to the convening of
the [2000 and] 2001 regular [sessions] session."
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   (54)  By adding a new section to read as follows:
   "SECTION 62.1.  Provided that of the interdepartmental
transfers authorized for retirement (BUF 141), the sum of
$104,454,301 for fiscal year 2000-2001 shall be expended only for
the following purposes:
Purpose                                          FY 2000-2001
  Pension accumulation                         $  3,509,006
  Social security/medicare contributions       $ 66,160,629;
provided further that any unexpended funds shall lapse to the
general fund; and provided further that the department of budget
and finance shall submit a report of all expenditures to the
legislature no later than twenty days prior to the convening of
the 2001 regular session."
   (55)  By adding a new section to read as follows:
   "SECTION 62.2.  Provided that public lands management (LNR
101) shall submit a detailed report on the progress towards
completion of the land information management system; and
provided further that this report shall be submitted to the
legislature no later than twenty days prior to the convening of
the 2001 regular session."
   (56)  By adding a new section to read as follows:
   "SECTION 63.1.  Provided that of the general fund
appropriation for office leasing (AGS 223), the sum of $2,300,000
for fiscal year 2000-2001 may be expended for principal and
interest payments on the certificates of participation financing
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agreement for the purchase of No. 1 Capitol District building
(also known as the Hemmeter Building)."