Legislature; Appropriations

Appropriates funds to provide for the expenses of the
legislature, legislative auditor, the legislative reference
bureau, and the ombudsman. (HB2150 HD1)

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES                H.B. NO.           H.D. 1
TWENTIETH LEGISLATURE, 2000                                
STATE OF HAWAII                                            

                     A BILL FOR AN ACT



 1      SECTION 1.  There is appropriated out of the general
 2 revenues of the State of Hawaii the sum of $5,005,794 or so much
 3 thereof as may be necessary for defraying any and all session and
 4 nonsession expenses of the Senate up to and including June 30,
 5 2001, including the 2000 regular session, Twentieth Legislature
 6 of the State of Hawaii, and pre-session expenses and the expenses
 7 of any committee or committees established during the interim
 8 between the 2000 and 2001 regular sessions.
 9      SECTION 2.  There is appropriated out of the general
10 revenues of the State of Hawaii the sum of $7,254,882 or so much
11 thereof as may be necessary for defraying any and all session and
12 nonsession expenses of the House of Representatives up to and
13 including June 30, 2001, including the 2000 regular session,
14 Twentieth Legislature of the State of Hawaii, and pre-session
15 expenses and the expenses of any committee or committees
16 established during the interim between the 2000 and 2001 regular
17 sessions.

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 1      SECTION 3.  Payment of expenses of the Senate during the
 2 interim between the 2000 and 2001 regular sessions shall be made
 3 only with the approval of the President of the Senate, and
 4 payment of expenses of the House of Representatives during the
 5 interim between the 2000 and 2001 sessions shall be made only
 6 with the approval of the Speaker of the House of Representatives.
 7      SECTION 4.  Before January 17, 2001, the Senate and the
 8 House of Representatives shall each have their accounts audited
 9 and a full report of the respective audits shall be presented to
10 the Senate and to the House of Representatives convening on
11 January 17, 2001.
12      SECTION 5.  The expenses of any member of the Legislature
13 while traveling abroad on official business of the Legislature
14 shall not be limited by the provisions of section 78-15, Hawaii
15 Revised Statutes, or by any other general statute.  Until
16 otherwise prescribed by law, the expenses of such member shall be
17 $130 a day as authorized by the President of the Senate and the
18 Speaker of the House of Representatives, respectively.
19      SECTION 6.  There is appropriated out of the general
20 revenues of the State of Hawaii the sum of $2,830,796 or so much
21 thereof as may be necessary to the office of the legislative
22 auditor for the following expenses:
23      (1)  The sum of $2,019,850 for defraying the expenses of the

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 1           office of the legislative auditor during fiscal year
 2           2000-2001;
 3      (2)  The sum of $660,946 for defraying the expenses of the
 4           office of the state ethics commission during fiscal
 5           year 2000-2001; and
 6      (3)  The sum of $150,000 during fiscal year 2000-2001 for:
 7           (A)  Performing special studies;
 8           (B)  Improving capabilities for planning, programming,
 9                and budgeting;
10           (C)  Fulfilling other special requests made of the
11                legislative auditor by the Legislature or jointly
12                by the President of the Senate and the Speaker of
13                the House of Representatives;
14           (D)  Legislative studies and contractual services for
15                those studies; and
16           (E)  Such other purposes as may be determined by the
17                joint action of the President of the Senate and
18                the Speaker of the House of Representatives.
19      SECTION 7.  There is appropriated out of the general
20 revenues of the State of Hawaii the sum of $2,229,349 or so much
21 thereof as may be necessary to the legislative reference bureau
22 for defraying the expenses of the legislative reference bureau
23 during fiscal year 2000-2001 including equipment relating to

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 1 computer systems programming and operations.
 2      SECTION 8.  There is appropriated out of the general
 3 revenues of the State of Hawaii the sum of $728,892 or so much
 4 thereof as may be necessary to the office of the ombudsman for
 5 defraying the expenses of the office during fiscal year 2000-
 6 2001.
 7      SECTION 9.  There is appropriated out of the general
 8 revenues of the State of Hawaii the following sums or so much
 9 thereof as may be necessary for defraying the expenses of the
10 legislative information system:
11      (1)  $600,000 to the Senate; and
12      (2)  $600,000 to the House of Representatives.
13 This appropriation shall be used to pay for hardware, software,
14 consultant, installation, material, supply, and other related
15 costs associated with the legislative information system that
16 have been or will be incurred.  This appropriation shall take
17 effect upon the approval of this Act and shall not lapse until
18 June 30, 2001.
19      SECTION 10.  There is appropriated out of the general
20 revenues of the State of Hawaii the sum of $175,000 or so much
21 thereof as may be necessary for the legislative broadcast
22 program, including the production and distribution of television
23 broadcasts of legislative proceedings.  This appropriation shall

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 1 take effect upon the approval of this Act and shall be expended
 2 by the legislature for the purposes of this section.  This
 3 appropriation shall not lapse until June 30, 2001.
 4      SECTION 11.  As of the close of business on June 30, 2001,
 5 the unexpended or unencumbered balance of any appropriation made
 6 by this Act shall lapse into the general fund.
 7      SECTION 12.  Each section of this Act is declared to be
 8 severable from the remainder of this Act.
 9      SECTION 13.  This Act shall take effect upon its approval.