FEBRUARY 9, 1999

GOVERNOR'S MESSAGES NOS.                                         REFERRALS

 175        Letter dated February 3, 1999, as provided in             FILE
            Section 9, Article VII of the Constitution of
            the State of Hawaii, requesting the immediate
            consideration and passage of S.B. No. 1283,
            which increases the appropriation ceiling for
            claims payments in the fiscal year 1999-2000
            for the Unclaimed Property Program. (Ltr.
            Immediate passage SB1283.)

 176        Letter dated February 4, 1999, as provided in             FILE
            Section 9, Article VII of the Constitution
            of the State of Hawaii, requesting the
            immediate consideration and passage of S.B.
            No. 1297, which provides for an emergency
            appropriation for court appointed counsel in
            fiscal year 1999. (Ltr. Immediate passage

 177        Letter dated February 4, 1999, as provided in             FILE
            Section 9, Article VII of the Constitution of
            the State of Hawaii, requesting the immediate
            consideration and passage of S.B. No. 1300,
            which appropriates $2,132,595 in general
            funds in fiscal year 1998-1999 to pay the
            federal government its share of health
            insurance rebates and rate credits received
            by the general fund during fiscal year
            1998-1999. (Ltr. Immediate passage SB1300.)

 178        Letter dated February 4, 1999, as provided in             FILE
            Section 9, Article VII of the Constitution of
            the State of Hawaii, requesting the immediate
            consideration and passage of S.B. No. 1269,
            which makes an appropriation of $11.1 million
            and 283 positions in fiscal year 1998-1999
            for the Department of Education. (Ltr.
            Immediate passage SB1269.)