FEBRUARY 8, 1999

GOVERNOR'S MESSAGES NOS.                                         REFERRALS

 173        Letter dated February 4, 1999, as provided in             FILE
            Section 9, Article VII of the Constitution of
            the State of Hawaii, requesting the immediate
            consideration and passage of S.B. No. 1066,
            which makes an appropriation in fiscal year
            1998-1999 for the Hawaii Tourism Authority's
            Tourism Special Fund. (Ltr. Immediate
            consider SB1066.)

 174        Letter dated February 4, 1999, as provided in             FILE
            Section 9, Article VII of the Constitution of
            the State of Hawaii, requesting the immediate
            consideration and passage of S.B. No. 1105,
            which provides necessary funding for the
            four-month period remaining in fiscal year
            1998-1999 for the Department of the Attorney
            General's legal representation of the
            Department of Hawaiian Home Lands in
            defending the State's interest in resolving
            claims asserted by individual beneficiaries
            of the Hawaiian Home Lands Trust. (Ltr. immediate
            passage SB1105.)