STATE OF HAWAII
                                 TWENTIETH STATE LEGISLATURE
                                    REGULAR SESSION, 1999

                                       April 28, 1999

                                          57TH DAY

                                      ORDER OF BUSINESS

Invocation - Josh Reppun, Coordinator
             "Teachers & Students at Work for Hawaii"

1.  Roll Call

2.  Reading of the Journal

3.  Messages from the Governor  

    Received message number 213 informing the House that the Governor has returned
    House Bill No. 1431 without approval.

    Received message number 214 informing the House that the following House Bills
    and Senate Bills were signed into law:
         S.B. No. 484 SD1     Act 37             H.B. No. 10          Act 46
         S.B. No. 716         Act 38             H.B. No. 791 HD2     Act 47
         S.B. No. 808         Act 39             H.B. No. 936 HD2     Act 48
         S.B. No. 1062 SD1    Act 40             H.B. No. 996         Act 49
         S.B. No. 1086        Act 41             H.B. No. 1072 HD1    Act 50
         S.B. No. 1216        Act 42             H.B. No. 1120        Act 51
         S.B. No. 1326        Act 43             H.B. No. 1125 HD2    Act 52
         S.B. No. 1403        Act 44             H.B. No. 1350 HD1    Act 53
         S.B. No. 1641 SD2    Act 45             H.B. No. 1703        Act 54

4.  Senate Communications  

         (See Addendum)

                                      ORDER OF THE DAY

5.  Announcements

    Session will convene at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, April 29, 1999.

    Received communication number 775 informing the House that the Senate has
    reconsidered action in disagreeing to amendments proposed by the House, has moved
    to agree, and has passed on final reading the following Senate Bills:

         S.B. No. 737 SD2 HD1
         S.B. No. 738 SD1 HD1

    Received communication number 776 informing the House that the Senate has
    disagreed to the amendments proposed by the House to the following Senate
    Concurrent Resolutions:
         S.C.R. No. 4    SD1 HD1                 S.C.R. No. 149  SD2 HD2
         S.C.R. No. 33   SD1 HD1                 S.C.R. No. 165  SD1 HD1
         S.C.R. No. 64   SD1 HD1                 S.C.R. No. 184  SD1 HD1
         S.C.R. No. 77   HD1                     S.C.R. No. 186  SD1 HD1
         S.C.R. No. 91   SD1 HD1                 S.C.R. No. 194  SD1 HD1
         S.C.R. No. 130  HD1                     S.C.R. No. 199  HD1
         S.C.R. No. 145  HD1

    Received communication numbers 777 through 782 returning the following House
    Concurrent Resolutions, all having been adopted in the Senate:

         H.C.R. No. 7    HD1           H.C.R. No. 76   HD1
         H.C.R. No. 14   HD1           H.C.R. No. 79
         H.C.R. No. 18   HD1           H.C.R. No. 208  HD1
