Report Title:

Collective Bargaining; Units (2), (3), (4), (6), (8), (13)



Provides fund authorizations and appropriations for collective bargaining cost items for units 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, and 13 and their excluded counterparts, including the salary increases and other cost adjustments and contributions to the Hawaii employer-union health benefits trust fund, for fiscal biennium 2007-2009.  Provides separate break out for the department of education.  (CD1)



S.B. NO.



S.D. 1


H.D. 1


C.D. 1













     SECTION 1.  There are appropriated or authorized from the sources of funding indicated below to departmental administration & budget division (BUF 101) the following sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to fund for fiscal biennium 2007‑2009 the salary increases and other cost adjustments in the agreement negotiated with the exclusive bargaining representative of collective bargaining units (2), (3), (4), (6), (8), and (13):

                        FY 2007-2008       FY 2008-2009

General Funds           35,094,211        74,142,438

Special Funds            3,811,858         7,855,848

Federal Funds            4,792,045         9,874,114

Other Funds              3,071,946         6,280,504

     Of the above listed amounts, the following amounts are for the department of education, including the Hawaii state public library system:

                        FY 2007-2008       FY 2008-2009

General Funds           14,752,315        31,697,912

Special Funds               48,427            93,636

Federal Funds              431,879           924,941

Other Funds                128,684           260,817

     SECTION 2.  Funds appropriated or authorized by this part shall be allotted by the director of finance to the appropriate state departments for expenditure in the respective fiscal year for the purposes of this part.


     SECTION 3.  There are appropriated or authorized from the sources of funding indicated below to departmental administration & budget division (BUF 101) the following sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to fund for fiscal biennium 2007‑2009 the salary increases and other cost adjustments authorized by chapter 89C, Hawaii Revised Statutes, for state officers and employees excluded from collective bargaining who belong to the same compensation plans as those officers and employees within collective bargaining unit (2), (3), (4), (6), (8), and (13):

                        FY 2007-2008       FY 2008-2009

General Funds            5,281,430        10,660,055

Special Funds               859,484         1,653,827

Federal Funds               380,766            760,192

Other Funds                 516,973            960,660

     Of the above listed amounts, the following amounts are for the department of education, including the Hawaii state public library system:

                        FY 2007-2008       FY 2008-2009

General Funds               921,619        1,937,126

Special Funds                 7,060           15,175

Federal Funds                67,966           147,367

Other Funds                   6,217            13,635

     SECTION 4.  Funds appropriated or authorized by this part shall be allotted by the director of finance to the appropriate state departments for expenditure in the respective fiscal year for the purposes of this part.


     SECTION 5.  There are appropriated or authorized from the sources of funding indicated below to administration (JUD 601) the following sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to fund for fiscal biennium 2007‑2009 the salary increases and other cost adjustments in the agreement negotiated with the exclusive bargaining representative of collective bargaining units (2), (3), (4), and (13):

                        FY 2007-2008       FY 2008-2009

General Funds             2,867,827          6,136,223

Special Funds                77,436            170,507

     SECTION 6.  Funds appropriated or authorized by this part shall be allotted by the chief justice for expenditure in the respective fiscal year for the purposes of this part.


     SECTION 7.  There are appropriated or authorized from the sources of funding indicated below to administration (JUD 601) the following sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to fund for fiscal biennium 2007‑2009 the salary increases and other cost adjustments authorized by chapter 89C, Hawaii Revised Statutes, by the chief justice for state officers and employees excluded from collective bargaining who belong to the same compensation plans as those officers and employees within collective bargaining units (2), (3), (4), and (13):

                        FY 2007-2008       FY 2008-2009

General Funds               457,364            979,790

Special Funds                6,386             13,182

     SECTION 8.  Funds appropriated or authorized by this part shall be allotted by the chief justice for expenditure in the respective fiscal year for the purposes of this part.


     SECTION 9.  There are appropriated or authorized from the sources of funding indicated below to hospital care - Hawaii health systems corporation (HTH 210) the following sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to fund for fiscal biennium 2007‑2009 the salary increases and other cost adjustments in the agreement negotiated for state officers and employees in collective bargaining units (2), (3), (4), and (13) assigned to the Hawaii health systems corporation:

                             FY 2007-2008       FY 2008-2009

General Funds                  2,477,113          5,166,294

     SECTION 10.  Funds appropriated or authorized by this part shall be allotted by the director of finance to the Hawaii health systems corporation for expenditure in the respective fiscal year for the purposes of this part.


     SECTION 11.  There are appropriated or authorized from the sources of funding indicated below to hospital care - Hawaii health systems corporation (HTH 210) the following sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to fund for fiscal biennium 2007‑2009 the salary increases and other cost adjustments authorized by chapter 89C, Hawaii Revised Statutes, for state officers and employees excluded from collective bargaining who belong to the same compensation plans as those officers and employees within collective bargaining units (2), (3), (4), and (13) assigned to the Hawaii health systems corporation:

                        FY 2007-2008       FY 2008-2009

General Funds               515,293          1,026,720

     SECTION 12.  Funds appropriated or authorized by this part shall be allotted by the director of finance to the Hawaii health systems corporation for expenditure in the respective fiscal year for the purposes of this part.


     SECTION 13.  There are appropriated or authorized from the sources of funding indicated below to the Hawaii employer-union trust fund (BUF 143) the following sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to fund for fiscal biennium 2007-2009 the Hawaii employer-union health benefits trust fund costs contained in the agreement negotiated with the exclusive bargaining representative of collective bargaining units (2), (3), (4), (6), (8), and (13):

                        FY 2007-2008       FY 2008-2009

General Funds                -0-             1,743,805

     Of the above listed amounts, the following amounts are for the department of education, including the Hawaii state public library system:

                        FY 2007-2008       FY 2008-2009

General Funds                -0-               520,207

     SECTION 14.  Funds appropriated or authorized by this part shall be allotted by the director of finance to the appropriate state agencies for expenditure in the respective fiscal year for the purposes of this part.


     SECTION 15.  There are appropriated or authorized from the sources of funding indicated below to Hawaii employer-union trust fund (BUF 143) the following sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to fund for fiscal biennium 2007-2009 the Hawaii employer-union health benefits trust fund costs authorized by chapter 89C, Hawaii Revised Statutes, for state officers and employees excluded from collective bargaining who belong to the same compensation plans as those officers and employees within collective bargaining units (2), (3), (4), (6), (8), and (13):

                        FY 2007-2008       FY 2008-2009

General Funds                -0-               247,082

     Of the above listed amounts, the following amounts are for the department of education, including the Hawaii state public library system:

                        FY 2007-2008       FY 2008-2009

General Funds                -0-                    85

     SECTION 16.  Funds appropriated or authorized by this part shall be allotted by the director of finance to the appropriate state agencies for expenditure in the respective fiscal year for the purposes of this part.


     SECTION 17.  Salary increases and cost adjustments provided in this Act for any officer or employee whose compensation is paid, in whole or in part, from federal, special, or other funds shall be paid wholly or proportionately, as the case may be, from the respective funds.

     SECTION 18.  Funds appropriated or authorized by this Act that are not expended or encumbered by June 30, 2008, and June 30, 2009, of the respective fiscal years, shall lapse as of those dates.

     SECTION 19.  This Act shall take effect on July 1, 2007.