Report Title: Hawaii Housing Finance and Development Corporation; Rental Housing Revolving Fund; Dwelling Unit Revolving Fund Loans; Appropriation ($)
Description: Requires that funds from the Dwelling Unit Revolving Fund be used to provide zero interest loans or grants to certain buyers and aid certain existing-for sale projects that have received funds from the Dwelling Unit Revolving Fund. Appropriates funds to the Rental Housing Revolving Fund and the Dwelling Unit Revolving Fund. Allocates funds out of the Rental Housing Revolving Fund and the Dwelling Unit Revolving Fund for certain purposes.
Companion:  SB1171
Package: None
Current Referral: HSG, FIN
Introducer(s): HASHIMOTO, AIU

Sort by Date Status Text
12/11/2023DCarried over to 2024 Regular Session.
2/10/2023HThe committee(s) on HSG recommend(s) that the measure be deferred.
2/8/2023HBill scheduled to be heard by HSG on Friday, 02-10-23 9:30AM in House conference room 312 VIA VIDEOCONFERENCE.
1/30/2023HReferred to HSG, FIN, referral sheet 3
1/25/2023HIntroduced and Pass First Reading.
1/23/2023HPending introduction.

S = Senate | H = House | D = Data Systems | $ = Appropriation measure | ConAm = Constitutional Amendment

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Hearing Notices
2/10/23 9:30A